UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
        B U I L D I N G S

Mechanical Engineering Shop Laboratory / Wood Shop and Foundry Laboratory

Built in the Renaissance Revival style, the Mechanical Engineering Shop Laboratory opened in 1901 with a total of 35,624 square feet of space. [1] Designed by Nelson Strong Spencer and built by Kelly & O'Brien and Field Schowe & Co, [2] the building cost $42,000 to construct. In 1904 S. J. Temple and James M. White collaborated on the $10,700 foundry addition. [3]

The second floor of the building contained workshop and storage space used for general University maintenance, while the first floor housed a 100-person lecture hall, a lathe room, and a machine room. One engineering professor of the day described the building as: [4]

built of red brick, with sandstone trimmings, and a slate roof; and is a neat and pleasing architectural design The equipment of this shop is first-class The freshman class of the College of Engineering is given instruction in these shops, and ample accommodation for 400 students can be provided. [5]

In 1992, the building was razed to make way for the new Grainger Library.

[1] News-Gazzette nov 10, 1991
[2] Onsite dedication plaque
[3] History of the Growth and Development of the Campus of The University of Illinois - Leon Tilon / Thomas O'Donnell - UI Press 1930 - p 180
[4] "Building an International Leader" M&IE Alumni News 2001
[5] "Building an International Leader" M&IE Alumni News 2001
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