UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Student Life

Although time marches forth, it may as well stand still when it comes to human experience. The life of a student a century ago, while different in many ways from today, is similar in almost as many. There are those who excel in their studies and focus on academics, there are those who focus on research and innovation, and there are those who focus on extracurriculars.

From celebrating innovation with the first engineering open houses, to class battles and tree fights, to general mischief, the lives of students on this campus have come a long way, or have they? Is the student of today really that different from his or her peers of more than a century ago?

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    Electrical Show / The Spawning of Engineering Open House
    Invidiousness, Innovation, Immorality, Inebriation, and Impishness
    Early Scholarship Exam
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    Wesley Foundation at the UI
    TwinCity Bible Church at the UI
    Residence Hall Dining Rooms