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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1764 BOABD OF TRUSTEES Street lighting, improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1198 Strehl, F. W., degree, 827 Strehlew, Mrs. Shirli M., appointment, 1132 Streicher, M. H., appointment, 204, 1039 Streisinger, G., appointment, 875 Strempler, C. E., certificate, 1329 Streptomycin products, patent, concession of priority, 347 Strickland, A., degree, 1243 Strickland, A. E., fellowship, 1482 Strickland, Donna V. F., degree, 1243 Strickler, C. T., degree, 1385 Striegel, L. F., degree, 822 Striegel, Mrs. Orpha, appointment, 263, 1099 Strikich, F. J., appointment, 257, 1143 Stringer, E. F., degree, 596 Strip-mined areas, study, contract, change, 1306, 1417 Strobl, A., degree, 794 Strocher, Twila J., degree, 1388 Strock, R. L., degree, 788 Strockis, R. R., degree, 1399 Strode, E. Rogene, appointment, 278, 1115 Strohbeck, D. D., degree, 804 Stroheker, W. S., degree, 1399 Strohl, E. L., appointment, 363, n'92 Strojny, E. J., fellowship, 1481 Strom, Myra C., appointment, 260, 1096 Strom, R. B., degree, 598 Strombeck, D. R., degree, 1568 Stroner, W. F., degree, 1570 Strong, Dorothy J., appointment, 289, 1005 resignation, 1383 Strong, E. P., appointment, 138, 142, 974, 978 resignation, 1487 Strong, H., Educational Foundation, gift, 549, 1469 Strong, J., degree, 1572 Stroudj Margit J., degree, 1560 Stroup, H. L., fellowship, 681 resignation, 1316 Strouse, Mary A., fellowship, 1483 Strout, R. P., appointment, 129, 964 degree, 415 Strow, R. W., appointment, 1230 Strow, W. F., degree, 827 Strub, I. H., degree, 1570 Structural steel plates, edge condition, study, contract, 769 Struever, Mrs. Rosalie, appointment, 310; 1148 Struik, Ruth R., degree, 1238 Strus, Mrs. Catherine, appointment, 1167 Strusz, C , degree, 1236 Strydom, Mrs. Gertruida M., appointment, 276 Strydom, N. B., degree, 451 Stryker, E. M., degree, 1243 Stryker, Mrs.- Roberta E., appointment, 1117 Strzalko, Z., appointment, 326, 1167 Strzynski, Lillian, appointment, 320, 1159 Stuart, Dorothy H., diploma, 1575 Stuart, J. M., degree, 814 Stubbleheld, F. M., appointment, 243, 1082 leave of absence, 733 Stubbs, Alice, appointment, 1230 Stubbs, E. W., Jr., degree, 1548 Stubenrauch, Mrs; Betty H., appointment, 284 Stubenrauch, G. P., degree, 419 Stuckey, J. D., degree, 799 Stucki, F. F., fellowship, 1482 Student Activities, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, 240, 1079 Student Affairs, Chicago Professional Colleges, budget, 199, 307, 1034, 1143 Student and Staff Apartments, budget, 193, 1028, 1140 contract, adjustments, 561, 770, 865, 866, 1209, 1264^ 1306 landscaping, 608 playground, construction, 666 walks and terraces, 33 Stonecipher,. J. W., appointment, 177, S u , 77S, 1012 .;.degree-, 413 Stonehill, C. A., Inc., purchase, 32 Stoner, E., degree, 1552 Stoner,-Hi C , appointment, 281, 1117 Stonework repairs, . Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, contract, 1517 Stookey, D., degree, 819 Storage bins. Chemistry, purchase, 341 Storage building, Civil Engineering, contract, 764 ^ Storage cases, Geology, .purchase, 500, 1416 Storckman, G. W., degree, 813 Storer, R. L., degree, 1552 Storm, D. E., degree,. 797 Storm, H. E., degree, 818 Storm, J. S., degree, 814 Storm, J. W., degree, 1394 Storm drainage system, Illini HaU area, contract, 528 release of funds, 519 southeastern portion of campus, study, 610 Storm sewers, construction across University property, easements, 666 extension, Lincoln and Florida Avenue intersection, 1464 Springfield Avenue at Harvey Street rathe. Boneyard, 1464 Lincoln Avenue, maintenance, agreement, 845 road north of greenhouses, contract, addition, 660 „ engineering services, 437 Stortzum, Ellie E., appointment, 263, 1099 Story, J. E., degree, 816 Stotlar, J. B., degree, 827 Stouffer, E. L., appointment, 188, 1023 Stouffer, J. R., degree, 799 Stouffer, R. R., degree, 1563 Stout, Barbara J., degree,. 1560 Stoutenburg, W. J., Jr., appointment, 153, 988 declination* 1280 Stowe, B. W., degree, 1553 Stowe,- G.,, appointment, 309, 1147 Stowe, O. W., degree, 1568 Stowell, F. H., Co., contract, 464, 471 Strable, Mrs. Jane. S., appointment, 168, 250, 1004, 1089 Strader, E. B., appointment, 274, m o Strader, W. C , degree, 598 Straetz, :R. A., degree, 1283 Strafford, L. A., degree, 1397 Stranahan,_ H;, . & Co., bond issue for Men's Residence Halls, 1356, 1362 . Strand, A. L., appointment, 1230 degree, 1537 Strand, K. B., degree, 423 Strang, A. E., appointment, 167, 1002 Strange, R. L., degree, 581 Strano, Helen V.; appointment, 332, 1174 Stratum, Mrs. Florence W., gift, 556 Stratton, K. O., degree, 1389 Stratton, W. T., Jr., degree, 583 Straub, F. G., appointment, 124, 957 leave of absence, 1353 Straub, H. E., appointment, 130, 875, 965, 1500 .degree, 1544 Straus, Elizabeth K., appointment, 354, 1182 Straus, F. H., appointment, 362, J191 Straus, S., certificate, 42 Strauss, J . F., Jr., appointment, 645, J184 Strauss, S., appointment, 352, .1181 Stravinsky, S., appointnient, 156, 990, 1452 Strayhall„ Helen: N., appointment, 324 Street, E. A. C , degree, 587, 1388 Streeter? E.j degree, 815 Streeter, H., degree, 797 Streeter, Naomi, degree, 815 Streeter, Virginia M.,. appointment, 675
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