UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1666]

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Stewart, F . A., appointment, 95. 929 resignation, 1383 Stewart, G. H., degree, 139s Stewart, G. S., appointment, 213, 1180, 1230 Stewart, Helen T., appointment, 185, 1020 Stewart, J. M., degree, 1533 fellowship, 678 Stewart, J. W., degree, 799 Stewart, Jean, appointment, 1158 Stewart, Mrs. Joyce C , appointment, 1132 Stewart, L. F degree, 598 Stewart,' Lois E „ degree, 1559 Stewart, Mabel R., degree, 413 Stewart, Margaret O., appointment, 76, 909 decimation, 1234 Stewart, Margaret R., appointment, 257, 1094 Stewart, Miriam B., appointment, 156, 991 Stewart, N. R:, appointment, 1381 Stewart, P . A. R., appointment, 645, 698, 971, 1454 . Stewart, P. J:, Jr., degree, 420 Stewart, P. R., appointment, 694 Stewart, R. G., appointment, 875, 917 degree; 783 Stewart, Mrs. Ruby R., appointment, 1096 Stewart, W. E./ degree, 1286 Stewart, W . N., appointment, 71, 904, 1445 Stewart Oil Co., purchase, 31, 37s Stice, G., appointment, 84, 399, 675 Stice, Mrs. Hilda R., appointment, 142, 977 Stice, L. F., appointment, 95, 117, 118, 119, 928, 950, 952, 953 Sticher, L. A., appointment, 297, 1133 Sticklen, Barbara J., appointment, 256, 1093 Stidley, L. H., degree, 787 Stieglitz, Jean A., degree, 1559 Stiehl, R. T., Jr., fellowship, 678 resignation, 778 Stielow, W. L., degree, 799 Stiert, Mrs. Mabel B., appointment, 324, 1162 Stierwalt, B. H., degree, 418 Stifel, N., & Co., Inc., bond issue for Men's Residence Halls, 1356, 1362 Stiglianese, Catherine, appointment, 326 Stigliani, Mrs. Lillian, appointment, 322 Stika, Carol, appointment, 8 Stika, E. A., appointment, 364 resignation, 573 Still, B. L., degree, 1564 Stillerman, M. L., appointment, 206, 1042 Stillions, R. D., degree, 1565 Stillman, Mrs. Barbara W., appointment, 26s,



Stockdale, G. F., appointment, 123, 956 degree, 1539 Stockdale, Mrs. Jean A., appointment, 184, Stockdale, Joan L., degree, 807 Stocking, Helen, appointment, 319, 1158 Stock Pavilion, addition, appropriation, 846 contract, electrical work, 846 general work, 846 heating, 846 plumbing, 846 refrigerating installation, 846 ventilating work, 846 chilling room, appropriation, 654 balance reappropriated, 1198 electrical improvements, contract, 667 remodeling, engineering services, contract, 836 Stocks, C. A., degree, 419 Stocks, Mrs. Winifred M „ appointment, 268 Stoddard, G. D., appointment, 58, 891 Krebiozen research, discussion, 1311 representative at Conference on American Tradition, 1420 UNESCO activities, report of General Policy Committee, 867 See also President of University, Stoecker, Mrs. Patricia* L., appointment, 1100 Stoecker, W . F., appointment, 399, 964, 1381, Stoesser, A. D., degree, 1552 S to jack, E> R., degree, r393 Stoke, S. M., appointment, 692, 1448 Stoker links, Physical Plant, piffchase, 854, Stokes, J. t)., degree, 1393 Stokes, J. T., degree, 1536 Stokes, R., appointment, 1451 Stokes, R. F., appointment, 1424 Stolman, E., degree) 827 Stolp, N. H., degree, 822, tS7i Stolpe, S. G., appointment, 82, 511, «g8, 91 J Stoltey, Mrs. Margaret C , appointment, 64s Stoltz, E. V., degree, 421 Stolurow, L. M., appointment, 1330, I3»J Stolz, A. B„ appointment, 399 resignation, 778 Stone, C. W., appointment, 168, 170, 695. Stone, D. J., degree, 589 Stone, E. R., degree, 1559 Stone, Elizabeth Hi, appointment, 212 leave of absencet 684 Stone, F. L:, appointment, 356, " 8 5 Stone, G. W., degree, 799 Stone, H. A., degree, 1570 Stone, H. B., degree, 827 Stone, J. L., degree, 425 Stone, J. R., degree, s«8 Stone, Joan, degree* 813 Stone, Joyce' H., degree, 1396 Stone, K. R., appointment, 1381 degree, 784 Stone, L. E., .degree, 1243 Stone, L. Ri, jnember of advisory committee; 1195 Stone, Mrs. Marilena M., appointment, r i a r Stone, Mrs. Marilyn, appointment, 1157 Stone, P., invitation to January meeting, JJ31 Stone, P. I., appointment, 130 degree, 1544 resignation, 573 Stone, Mrs. Phyllis M., appointment,. 1129. Stone, R. L., degree, 786 Stone, R. N., degree, 1394 Stone, W. B., appointment, 399, °93r 9°9 Stone, W. G., degree, 1559 ' Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., contract, 472 addition, 708 Stoneberg, J. B., degree, 1563

1003, 1006 1416 1500 1019


Stillwaugh, D. M., degree, 596 Stillwell, G. B., appointment, 75, 775, 9°8. 1449 Stillwell, H. S„ appointment, 122, 956 Stillwell, R. T., degree, 829 Stilwell, Gertrude, appointment, 10, 1308 Stimes, A. C , degree, 788 Stine, Alpha Q., appointment, 318, 1156 Stine, Dorothy V., degree, 1555 Stinson, R. J., degree, 1393 Stipp, M., appointment, 298, 1135 Stipp, Mary A., degree, 1573 Stippes, M. C , appointment, 134, 9 6 9 resignation, 1234 Stiritz, Frances M., appointment, 268, 1095 Stirling, H. J., degree, 1542 Stisser, C. E., certificate, 42 Stites, J. H., degree, 822, 1577 Stites, Mrs. Jeane M., appointment, 262, 109K Stites, W . D., degree, 822 titt, W. C , appointment, 282, 1119 tiven House, acoustical treatment, contract, 658 improvements, appropriation, 1493 name, 608 Stivers, E. C , degree, 809 Stivers, T. W., degree, 827 Stoafer, R. D., degree, 1243