UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Bradley Arcade / Union Arcade / Arcade Building

The Bradley Arcade originated as a shopping center sometime prior to the Great Depression, possibly around 1912. [1] At its height, it "contained such things as a barber shop, a clothier, a restaurant and a bowling alley." [2] However, the Depression forced many of the shops out of business and by 1927 it had become an annex to the Illini Union housed in the former YMCA building. [3] In 1932 the building became the home of the Illini Union Bookstore and [4] in 1938 the University purchased the 24,600 square foot building outright for a cost of $80,000. [5] By 1941, the building was being considered as a potential new home for the W.I.L.L Radio Station (it was beaten out by the Woman's Building) [6] and by the 1950's, the Visual Aids Service was located on the second floor, which lent "thousands of motion pictures and slides to schools and organizations throughout the State" every year. [7]

By 1952, the University leased space in the building to various commercial entities such as restaurants. [8] Today the building houses the Career Center and the Student Financial Aide offices.

[1] University Buildings Spreadsheet - Vertical File, University Archives
[2] DI 6/22/79
[3] University of Illinois Archives, Building and Statue Dedication Programs: RS 2/0/808 - 10th anniversary, Illini Union
[5] Buildings on Urbana Campus in 1944
[6] Board of Trustees Proceedings - August 5, 1941
[7] Campus Map and Informational Brochure - circa 1950's (lists English Building as Bevier Hall, which places it between 1946 and 1956)
[8] Board of Trustees Proceedings, May 26, 1952
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