UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Osborne Hall / Osborn Hall

Osborne Hall [1], a "dormitory and home for girl students", was dedicated on Tuesday, October 26, 1909. [2] Located at 907 Wright St. in Champaign, [3] the building served primarily as a "rooming house for Episcopalian women students" and was very prominent in the student religious scene of the early 1900's. [4] It was home to up to 30 women, the matron of the house, and the deaconess of the parish. [5] The Hall's 4PM dedication ceremony was followed by an 8-10PM open house. [6]

Today the building serves as the home of the Chi Omega sorority.

[1] Both Osborne and Osborn spellings have been used in various sources (Osborne in University of Illinois Archives, Building and Statue Dedication Programs: RS 2/0/808 and Episcopal Church Foundation Records, 1901-1985 41/69/8) (Osborn in Alumni Quarterly 1910 #4 and Photograph Album, 1909-1914 39/2/24)
[2] University of Illinois Archives, Building and Statue Dedication Programs: RS 2/0/808
[3] University of Illinois Archives, Building and Statue Dedication Programs: RS 2/0/808
[4] Episcopal Church Foundation Records, 1901-1985 41/69/8
[5] Alumni Quarterly 1910 #4
[6] Alumni Quarterly 1910 #4
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