UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Sasaki Associates designed the original master plan of the Arboretum in 1990. [1] It called for 26 major regions including a Woodland Habitat, a Savannah Habitat, and a Prairie Habitat. Dedicated in the fall of 1994, theHartley Selections Garden launched the Arboretum, a gift of faculty member Miles C Hartley. [2] At the front of the path leading to the Gardens, the Welcome Garden makes new visitors at home. It was a gift of the Noel Family and is dedicated to Roseanne Noel's grandchildren. [3] Nearby the Hartley Gardens is the Idea Garden , a set of 6 plots maintained by Master Gardeners of the Champaign County Extension Unit. [4]

The Bee Research Facility is also located on the grounds of the Arboretum.

[1] Framed copy hanging in Conservatory building
[3] http://www.arboretum.uiuc.edu/welcome_garden.htm
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