UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1534]

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Donahue, W. J., certificate, 41 Donaldson, Janet G-, appointment, 570, 1019 degree, 1390 resignation, i486 Donegan, J. M., appointment, 357, 1186 Doner, I. H., degree, 422 Doney, E. J., Jr., degree, 423 Doney, Georgia E., degree, 421 Doney, R. J., degree, 451 Donian, L. L., degree, 1393 Donley, Mary R., appointment, 276 Donley, Mrs. Nevella, appointment, 113s Donlon, Mrs. Jeanne C , resignation, 878 Donnell, Betty J., degree, 578 Donnelley, R. R-, & Sons, purchase, 440, 467, 469, 558, 615, 767, 1416 Donnelly, Barbara C-, appointment, 673 Donnelly, C. J., degree, 803 Donnelly, D. H., degree, 1401 Donnelly, Mary R., appointment, 1112 Donney, Shirley A,, degree, 1559 Donohue, Mrs. Agnes M., appointment, 242,



Donohue, Irene R., appointment, 329, 1171 Donovan, C. V., appointment, 154, 988, 1445 leave of absence, 1408 Donovan, J. E., degree, 1398 Donovan, J. L., appointment, 1271 degree, 1238 Donovan, Mrs. Marguerite M., appointment, 314, 1 iS2 Doob, J. L., appointment, 80, 913 Dooley, F. W., appointment, 1012, 1271 Dooley, J. W., degree, 1548 Dooley, R. M., degree, 1558 Doolin, P. F., appointment, 392, 921 Doolittle, Marcia A., degree, 583 Doolittle, W . F., appointment, 154, 989, 1445 D'Orazio, V. T., degree, 1558 Dorch, J. D., degree, 1544 . Dordick, S. M., degree, 817 Dore, C. F., Jr., degree, 821 Dore, E. K., degree, 825 Doremus, R. H., degree, 789 fellowship, 677, 1278, 1480 declination, 731 Dorgan, J. D., degree, 1564 Doring, J. L., degree, 1400 Dormire, Dorothy L., degree, 800 Dorn, E. G., degree, 800 Dornbusch, S. M., appointment, 392, 1083 resignation, 1232 Dorner, H. B., appointment, m , 945 Dorney, J. J., degree, 1243 Dorr, E. J., Jr., degree, 1554 Dorris, Helen L., degree, 1542 Dorris, T. C , fellowship, 682, i486 Dorsey, J. M., appointment, 363 Dorsey, M. J., appointment, m , 94s Dorsey, R. J., degree, 1541 Dorstewitz, Emily L., appointment, 163, 999 Dossett, R. G., degree, 1561 Dossing, R. M., degree, 591 Dotson, Mrs. Frances S., appointment, 392, 444, 96S, 977 Doty, J. K., degree, 798 Doty, P . C., appointment, 392 resignation, 683 Doty, R., research equipment, gift of funds, Dougherty, Dora J., appointment, 44s, 870, 917, 1333 Dougherty, E. L., Jr., degree, 128s fellowship, 1529 Dougherty, Frances C , degree, 1250 Dougherty, Marjorie, appointment, 316 Dougherty, P . J., degree, 1558 Doughty, J . F., degree, 1400 Douglas, Jessie M., degree, 421 Douglas, Lucy, appointment, 1132 Douglas, V. L., degree, IS74 Douglass, L. E., appointment, 299, 1135


Douglass, P. W., degree, 817 Dove, W. F., appointment, 361, 1191 S 0 W > J ; H r . J r -. degree, 593 Dow Chemical Co., gift, 548, 1212, 1469 Dowell, Dorothy, appointment, 174, 179 resignation, 531 Dowler, Anita L., appointment, 693, 1224 certificate, 783 Dowler, G. H., appointment, 167 resignation, 478 Dowling, Audrey R., degree, 809 Dowling, Mrs. Betty A., appointment, 276 Dowling, C. W., appointment, 261, 1098 Dowling, Eleanor C., appointment, 1132 degree, 1546 Dowling, H. F., appointment, 211, 704, 773, 1039 Dowling, Patricia J., degree, 812 Dowling, R. M., degree, 786 Downey, Mrs. Dorothy B., appointment, 269 Downey, T. R., certificate, 41 Downey, W. H., degree, 790 Downing, D. G., fellowship, 1485 Downs, Betsy A., degree, 1351 Downs, H. I., degree, 1248 Downs, R. B., appointment, 167, 182, 1003,


member of committee for Kyoto Seminar, 1419 Downs, R. C , degree, 801 Downs, S. E., degree, 1554 Downs, W. B., appointment, 230, 1056 Dowse, Eunice, appointment, 64, 842, 897 Doyle, F. J degree, 824, 1574 Doyle, G. M-, purchase, 1416 Doyle, L. E., appointment, 129, 964 Doyle, Marie, appointment, 292, 1129 Doyle, P. E., degree, 828 Doyle, Mrs. Virnelle, appointment, 224, 530 Doyle, Wanda L. C , degree, 419 Draa, C. C , appointment, 356, 1185 Drabanski, J. S., appointment, 364, 1193 Draffin, J. O., appointment, 133, 968 Dragovich, J., appointment, 1188 Draher, D. D., degree; 802 Drainage, East Dentistry-Medicine-Phartnacy Building, contract, 1414 residence halls, contract, 1290 Drake, B. R., appointment, 1125 degree, 1564 Drake, Mrs. Mary A., appointment, 1120 Drake, Mrs. Mary P., appointment, 313 Drake, P. G., degree, 587 Drake, W., appointment, 1170 Dramm, E. R., member of advisory committee, "95 Draper, F. J., degree, 821 Draper, H. H„ degree, 1384 fellowship, 676 Draper, Mrs. Kathleen, appointment, 296, 1133 Draper, Nancy R., degree, 812 Draper, W. H., degree, 578 Draperies, Physical Plant, purchase, 439 Draughon, Ruby L., degree, 1284 Drawing, See General Engineering Drawing. Drawver, Pauline, appointment, 1272, 1449 Draznik, Mrs. Lois D., appointment, 1133 Dreger, H. D., degree, 1553 Dreikurs, E., degree, 783 Dreiman, L. N., degree, 1549 Dremann, I. H., degree, 1549 Drenan, J. W., appointment, 73 Drenchko, J., degree, 809 Drenchko, P., degree, 809 Drenckpohl, D. H. C , certificate, 1328 Drennan, Frances L., degree, 1241 Dreshfield, A. C , Jr., degree, 808 Dreskin, £. A., appointment, 208 resignation, 403 Dressel, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 59 declination, 403 Dressel, R. W., degree, 451