UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1533]

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Dizdi, K. H., degree, 80s Dlugos, V. L., degree, 823 Dmuchowski, Bermce L., degree, 809 Doak, J., appointment, 188, 1023 Do-All Midwest Co., purchase, 526 Do-All Southern Co., purchase, 672 Doan, P. L., degree, 808 Doane, A. H., degree, 828 Doane, E. P., fellowship, 1480 Dobbins, F. A., degree, 575 Dobrovolny, J. S., appointment, 128, 963, 1450 Dobry, M., degree, 1558 Dobrychlop, Sophia, appointment, 1163 Dobrynski, Dorothy, appointment, 1172 Dobson, C. D., degree, 805 Dobson, J. R.j degree, 1536 Docherty, W. T., degree, 1388 Dock, J. S., degree, 800 Dodd, G. O., appointment, 307, 1141 Dodd, J. B., degree, 1543 Dodd, R. E., degree, 1550 Dodds, R. G., degree, 588 Doderlein, Renee L., degree, 1550 Dodge, A. F., appointment, 43, 146, 982 Dodge, S. C , appointment, 1224 fellowship, 1483 Dodson, O. H., appointment, i o n Doe, E. J., Jr., degree, 790 Doebel, P. J., Jr., degree, 454 fellowship, 1352, 1482 declination, i486 Doehler, R. W., appointment, 1450 degree, 809 Doehring, Marjorie J., degree, 1550 Doemland, Mrs. Carol W., appointment, 1112 Doemland, W. F., degree, 1565 Doerffer, F. R., appointment, 1498 Doering, C. W., degree, 1562 Doering, J. J., degree, 821 Doering, John Walter, degree, 802 Doering, John William, degree, 802 Doerr, D. L., degree, 410 Doerr, D. W., appointment, 221, 1058 Doggett, Virginia C , fellowship, 682 Doherty, R. P., degree, 808 Dolan, Catharine E., appointment, 307, 1144 Dolan, F. J., degree, 820 Dolan, Margaret A., degree, 1564 Dolan, Pauline A. ; appointment, 301 Dolan, T. J., appointment, 133, 701, 968 Doland, J. J., appointment, 124, 957 Dolbow, P. G., degree, 803 Dolby, D., degree, 799 Dolch, E. W., appointment, 144, 980 Dolciamore, Mrs. Josephine, appointment, 306,


Dillon, R. D., degree. 1548 Dillon, W. M., Jr., degree, 410 Dimiceli, S., appointment, 331, 1173 Dimmich, J. W., degree, 818 Dimoff, T., appointment, 1377 Dimond, W. E., degree, 798 Dimschultz^ A., appointment, 316, 1154 Dinkines, Flora, appointment, 444, 1476 Dinsdale, Carol L., fellowship, 680 Dinsmore, G. R., appointment, 260, 1096 Dinsmore, W., member of advisory committee, 36s, " 9 5 Dionesotes, W. A., degree, 156* DiOrio, Mrs. Marie N., appointment, 320, 1155 DiPaolo, P., degree, 1241 Di Fasquale, Edith L., appointment, 1423, 1476 fellowship, 531, 1278 Diphyllot)othrim, study, gift, 1214 Diploma covers, Admissions and Records Office, purchase, 31, 1263 Diplomas, Admissions and Records Office, purchase, 31 Dirst, M. D., degree, 706 Disability benefits, budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 199, 1035 Urbana departments, 69, 902 nonacademic employees, regulations, 1434 amendment, 1515 regulations, amendment, 40 Diseases, infectious, research, gift, 1215, 1471 Dishwasher, Home Economics, gift, 551 Physical Plant, purchase, 439 Disteldorf, D. N., certificate, 1328 Distillation Products Industries, purchase, 837 Distilled water facilities, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1198 study, 528 Distillers* by-products, use in poultry rations, • study, contract, 769 Distilling apparatus, purchase, Chemistry, 524 Physiology, Liberal Arts and Sciences, 613 Ditkowsky, S., appointment, 361, 1189 Ditkowsky, S. E., appointment, 354, 1182 Dittberner, Dolores M., appointment, 1173 Ditter, H. E., appointment, 298, 1134 Dittmann, K. R., degree, 1399 Dittmar, G. W., Jr., appointment, 218, 1054 Dittmer, C. F., degree, 1393 Dittmer, K. L., degree, 594 Ditzler, E., appointment, 1117 Divane Brothers Electric Co., contract, 1414 Divine, Wilma A., degree, 805 Division Lead Co., purchase, 29, 500 Division of General Studies, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 area for study of stars and planets, construction, appropriation, 611 contract, 660 budget, 74, 266 summer session, 1450 Dix, R. A., degree, 1393 Dix, R. H., degree, 587 Dixon, E. H., degree, 1567 Dixon, H. M., appointment, 691 degree, 782 Dixon, J. T., appointment, 274 Dixon, J. W„ degree, 1576 Dixon, M. C , appointment, 1117 Dixon, Margaret H., appointment, 259 Dixon, P. E., degree, 1400 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37, 1197 budget, 93, 268, 927, 1105 house, building materials, purchase, 344, 671 construction, appropriation, 706 income, appropriation, 856 operating expenses, appropriation, 706, 1474 purchase, bull, 710 tractor, 376 truck, 768

Dold, J. B., certificate, 1328 Dole, D. W., degree, 585 Dolejs, Mrs. Constance, appointment, 1157 Dolin, M. I., appointment, 476, 904, 1224 declination, 1279 Dolk," L. C , appointment, 221, 1058 Dollet, L. C , degree, 1394 Dolley, Jo A., degree, 1554 Dollins, C. W., appointment, 134, 969 Dolowy, H. A., degree, 1561 Dolowy, W. C , degree, 822 Domas, R. E., degree, 1392 Dombrowski, R. M., degree, 828 Domeier, E. L... degree, 597 Dominetta, R. J., degree, 591 Domino, E. F., appointment, 1045 degree, 825, 830 Domovich, J. V., certificate, 41 Donahoe, A. H., I l l , degree, 1552 fellowship, 1482 declination, 1501 Donahoe, N., appointment, 43, 87, 699, 700, 920, 1455 Donahue, J. D., certificate, 1328 degree, 1398 Donahue, Mary V., appointment, 318, 1156