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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

44° board of trustees [November 15 drives, the binder materials to be furnished by the companies without cost to the University.1 O n motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this permission was granted. APPROPRIATION FOR MOVING OF DEPARTMENTS (2) A request from the Supervising Architect for an appropriation of $2,000 for the moving of departments. This includes moving of departments into Lincoln Hall; the redistribution of books in the first unit of the new Library necessitated by the moving of the seminars from Lincoln Hall; the moving of the English seminar from the topfloorof the first unit to the thirdfloorof the third unit; also the rearrangement of the newspaper files; none of these were included in Professor White's estimate in requesting an appropriation of $1,000 which was made at the July meeting of the Board for the moving of books into the Library. I recommend that an appropriation of $2,000 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund for this purpose. O n motion of M r . Trees, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, Mrs. Grigsby, M r . Trees. REMOVAL OF LUNCH WAGON AT CORNER OF ARMORY AVENUE A N D FOURTH STREET (3) For a long time a lunch wagon on wheels has occupied space on our property at the corner of Armory Avenue and Fourth Street. I recommend that this lunch wagon be ordered removed. O n motion of Mr. Trees, this recommendation was adopted. CASHIER IN DISPENSARY (4) A recommendation from the Acting Comptroller that the position of Dispensary Cashier be established in the Dispensary of the College of Medicine at a salary of $1200 per year beginning November 1, 1929. This will provide a central cashier to make collections of all dispensary charges hitherto collected in the Dispensary, Drug R o o m , and in the Department of Dermatology. Since the other duties of attendants in the separate departments hitherto authorized to collect these charges have become too onerous to admit of their continuing to perform it, I concur in this recommendation and recommend further that an appropriation of $1,000 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to provide the salary of this position for the balance of the fiscal year J929-1930. O n motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this recommendation was adopted and the appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, Mrs. Grigsby, M r . Trees. PURCHASE OF NEW ORGAN FOR SCHOOL OF MUSIC (5) A letter from Director Stiven stating that the Wicks Pipe Organ C o m p a n y has offered to exchange the present organ installed by them in 1920 for a new three-manual teaching organ at a price of $1400 plus the cost of installation, which will amount to $125. T h e original cash consideration proposed was $1250, but Professor Stiven wishes to add six couplers at $25 each, not included in the original specifications. A new organ of this type would cost from $5,000 to $6,coo, but since the Wicks C o m pany's present organ is a poor instrument in comparison with their new product the Wicks C o m p a n y is willing to make this concession in price. The Supervising Architect has visited their factory and reports that their manufacturing methods have been greatly improved. Deans and directors of other schools of music in the middle west testify to the quality of the new Wicks organ. Director Stiven recommends that a new organ be purchased in exchange for the •See page 441old on the above basis, the cost and installation charges to be paid from the funds appropriated for special equipment for the School of Music for 1929-1930. I concur and recommend that authority be given the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board to execute a contract for this purpose. O Cunningham Committee adjourned. H. E. nCmotion of Mrs. Grigsby, this purchase was authorized as recommended. ThelExecutive ek r J. W. Armstrong Helen M. Trees Merle J. Grigsby
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