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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
864 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 25 CONTRACT FOR ROAD AND WALK IMPROVEMENTS IN HOUSING AREAS (40) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $20,908 to the Champaign Asphalt Company, Champaign, the lowest bidder, for asphalt surfacing of roads and walks in the Stadium Terrace and Illini Village housing areas. Funds are available in the income from the operations of Stadium Terrace and Illini Village for this maintenance work. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract. O n motion of M r . Megran, this contract was authorized. ADDITIONS TO CONTRACTS FOR VETERINARY MEDICINE BUILDING (41) The specifications for construction of the Veterinary Medicine Building did not include general site development. Estimates of cost of this phase of the work have been secured from the contractors who now have contracts for the construction of this building as follows: Rough and finishing grading — John Felmley, Bloomington, General Contractor $9 567 00 Draining trench and grading at parking court — General Paving Company, Champaign, Parking Area Contractor 2 450 00 Yard and driveway drains and sewer lines connecting them-—W. T. Mahoney and Sons, Chicago, Plumbing Contractor 4 536 74 All estimates have been checked by the architects and the Physical Plant 'Department and found to be reasonable. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the award of the contract additions. Funds are available in the state appropriation for the construction of this building. I concur and request that the Comptroller be authorized to execute these contract additions. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these changes in contracts were authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR REMODELING OF QUARTERS FOR DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY (42) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend an increase in the contract with Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign, for remodeling in Noyes Laboratory for the Department of Bacteriology. This change will cover miscellaneous work in various rooms used by the Department, including additional radiators, water and air outlets. The estimated cost is $1,310. Funds are available in the appropriation for remodeling Noyes Laboratory. I concur and request that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this contract addition. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract change was authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (43) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed for the period, June 1 to 3M95L With Whom State of Illinois Baxter Laboratories With Whom Illinois Power Company ' Purpose Study of hydraulics of flow at bridges (1950-1951) Study of tissue reactions to pyromen Purpose Electric energy supply for Health Center Amo.nl to be Paid to the University $s 000 00 240000 Amount to be Paid by the University Rate per usage Date April 23. 19s 1 April 2, 1951 Dale June 4, 1951
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