Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
49Q BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 28 Degree Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Bachelor of Science in Commercial Training T h e revisions will be put into effect gradually, as conditions permit, beginning with the academic year 1951-1952. The new requirements will be applicable to stu- Field Accountancy For those who are preparing to follow governmental, industrial, commercial, or public accounting, or who wish to use the field of concentration in accountancy as a general training for a career in business. Commerce and Law For those who wish to combine commercial and legal studies and obtain both the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws in six years. In their fourth year, students who have earned at least 100 credit hours in prelaw work will be regularly registered in the College of Law, but must file copies of their program cards in the office of the Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration at the beginning of each semester. Economics of Regulated Enterprises For those wishing to prepare to enter public utility, transportation, or communication industries or regulatory agencies of the government. Economic Theory For those who desire broad training in economic theory. Finance For those who desire a broad undergraduate preparation in public finance, banking, or business finance. General Economics For those who wish a general course of study in economics. Industrial Administration For those who desire to combine commerce with engineering or with other technical work in an integrated program. Insurance For students preparing for a career in the insurance business. Labor Economics For those desiring to make a career in some phase of labormanagement relations — in government service, industry, or the academic professions. Management For those who desire a broad undergraduate preparation in management. Marketing For those planning to engage in any of the phases of marketing. Personnel Management For those who wish to study the problems which arise out of the relationships between employer and employee, or who wish to prepare themselves for affiliation with personnel departments in industry, commerce, or public or private institutions. Secretarial Training For those who wish to prepare for secretarial work requiring a high degree of technical skill and broad business education. Statistical Economics For those Who are preparing to do quantitative research in the fields of economics and business. Teaching For those who wish t o prepare to teach commercial subjects. Bachelor of Science in Commerce and Law Bachelor of Science in Economics Bachelor of Science in Economics Bachelor of Science in Finance Bachelor of Science in Economics Bachelor of Science in Industrial Administration Bachelor of Science in Economics Bachelor of Science in Economics Bachelor of Science in Management Bachelor of Science in Marketing Bachelor of Science in Management Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Training Bachelor of Science in Economics