Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95o] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 15 DEFINITION : Under supervision to perform physical labor in food service areas. DUTIES BY EXAMPLE: T O perform miscellaneous kitchen duties requiring physical labor, such as delivering supplies to kitchen and storeroom, transporting food stuffs between departments, cleaning refrigerators and keeping them in order, and any other duties assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: Grade school graduation or equivalent; male; good physical condition; willingness to work as directed; minimum age twenty-one. Laundry Inspector SALARY R A N G E : $150-225. DEFINITION: Under supervision to inspect the sorting of all articles to be laundered; checking and inspecting of all articles that have been laundered. DUTIES BY EXAMPLE: T O inspect sorting of soiled linens for colored items, wools, silks, and check weight and count and prepare for washing operations. Inspect for quality of work processed and immediate supervision of flat work, rough dry or finished pressroom operations. Weigh and count; inspection of billing slips; inspection of packing, wrapping, and delivery schedule; keep records. QUALIFICATIONS: Grammar school education; high school education preferred; general laundry experience can be substituted for high school education; good health; ability to keep records; integrity; ability to perform work as directed; minimum age twenty-eight. Maid, Linen SALARY R A N G E : Prevailing. DEFINITION: Under direct supervision to be responsible for care and operation of the linen room, and do work requiring some skill in sewing. D U T I E S BY EXAMPLE: Receive and issue linens and uniforms. Check in and out soiled and clean linens and uniforms to laundries, keep inventory records of supplies, be responsible for cleanliness of linen room and orderly storage of linens. Keep uniforms and linens in good repair, make curtains, and perform other related duties as requested. QUALIFICATIONS: Grade school education required, and some high school preferred. Experience in handling supplies and keeping records desirable; ability to do hand and machine sewing; suitable personality for dealing with people; d e pendability ; willingness to w o r k ; minimum age twenty-five. Manager, Nurses Residence SALARY R A N G E : $225-325. DEFINITION: Under the Director of Nursing to be responsible for the management of the Nurses Residence. DUTIES BY EXAMPLE: T O be responsible for the efficient functioning of the Nurses Residence; maintain a home-like atmosphere in the Residence and carry out established principles and policies; make regular inspection of rooms and enforce regulations of cleanliness and orderliness; approve condition of vacant rooms for new occupants; responsible for linen supply, keep record of all linen exchanged; perform office duties, such as, answering desk telephone and door bell, receiving and delivering messages; order supplies; report need for repairs and replacements of furnishings; keep record of all keys; make written reports as required; visit and care for Nurses when ill; accompany physician to their room when indicated; notify Nursing Office of condition of sick nurses daily; arrange for meals for sick nurses; assist with the guidance and direction of student nurses; perform related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: University graduation or equivalent training or experience; supervisory ability and leadership qualities; courteous; quiet manner; pleasant personality; tact; good judgment; minimum age thirty-five. Nurses' Aide, Senior SALARY R A N G E : $160-200. DEFINITION: Under the direction of Nurses to assist in and perform routine duties in hospital wards and divisions. DUTIES BY EXAMPLE: Perform Nurses' Aides duties and in addition may be assigned nursing service to patients under direct supervision of a N u r s e ; take temperature, pulse, and respiration; measure and record intake and output; give