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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1726 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Pearson, Pearson, Pearson, Pearson, 1121 Paton, Grace, appointment, 10, 1307 Paton, Katharine B., appointment, 571, 1020 degree, 1245 resignation, 1234 Paton, R. F., appointment, 132, 698, 967, 1453 Patrick, R. L., appointment, 139 declination, 404 Pattarson, Cora E., degree, 817 Patterson, B. R., appointment, 430, 994 Patterson, Bette J., appointment, 186 Patterson, H. I., degree, 1568 Patterson, J. A., degree, 801 Patterson, J. E., degree, 786 Patterson, Jacqueline W., degree, 1285 Patterson, Martha M., degree, 820 Patterson, Mrs. Mildred, appointment, 142 Patterson, Millicent D., appointment, 297, 1133 Patterson, Muriel W., degree, 420 Patton, A. E., member of advisory committee, 36 Patton, C. N., degree, 1572 Patton, Helen G., appointment, 269, 1106 Patton, Mrs. Louise, appointment, 1147 Patula, Stephanie E., appointment, 1170 Patzer, R. J., degree, 1567 Pauker, D. H., degree, 810 Pauksta, Frances H., degree, 1555 Paul, A. B., appointment, 95, 106 Paul, Mrs. Anna, appointment, 316, 1154 Paul, F. S., degree, 413 Paul, Gladys L., appointment, 257, 1093 Paul, J. T., appointment, 204, 1039 Paul, K., degree, 1286 Paul, Mrs. Katherine H., appointment, 88 Paul, O., appointment, 354, 1182 Paul, S., appointment, 1459 Paull, D. M., degree, 787 Paulsen, Mrs. Hilda, appointment, 308, 1144 Paulsen, Rosemary I., degree, 1393 Paulsmeyer, D. F., degree, 798 Paulson, Mrs. Ima, appointment, 320 Paulson, Katherine E., appointment, 106, 116 resignation, 404 Pauly, T. J., degree, 822, 1571 Paurazas, Cecelia M., appointment, 314, 1151 Paus, R. L., degree, 821 Pavlik, Jessica J., degree, 1560 Pawlowski, L., degree, 1570 Paxton, R. E., degree, 1572 Paylan, P., degree, 592 Payne, Beverly J., degree, 596 Payne, J., Jr., degree, 1568 Payne, J. P., Jr., degree, 575 Payne, J. W., appointment, 206, 1041 Payne, M. C , appointment, 918 Payne, R. F., degree, 1563 Payne, T. A., appointment, 873, 917, 1333 Payne, T. J., certificate, 842 Payne Fund, gift, 548, 1468 Paynic, S. A., degree, 1392 Pazur, J. H., appointment, 843, 1038 Pe, Maung, degree, 788 Peabody Coal Co., gift, 547, 1468 Peacock, Betty L., degree, 791 Peacock, T. L., degree, 797 Pearah, X. E., degree, 589 Pearce, Dorothy A., degree, 795 Pearce, H. W., appointment, 233, 251, 1070, 1090 T. W., degree, 157a K. E., degree, 422 Lucille, appointment, 315, 1153 Mrs. Marilyn M., appointment, 285, Pearce, J. V., degree, 1391 Pearl Assurance Co., insurance, purchase, 1466 Pearlman, B., appointment, 353, 1182 Pearlman, M., appointment, 206, 1042 Pearlman, R. D., degree, 815 Pearlman, Rosalind S., appointment, 1314 Pearlstein, E. A., appointment, 133, 967 Pearman, R. S., degree, 797 Pearson, D. J., degree, 596 Pearson, E., appointment, 326, 1167 Pearson, E. N., degree, 804 Pearson, F., Associates, purchase, 501 Pearson, J. E., appointment, 128, 963 Pearson, Priscilla J., degree, 820 Pearson, R. G., degree, 808 Pearson, V. R., degree, 815 Pearson, W. M., Jr., degree, 806 Peart, R. G., degree, 1242 Peasley, Mary P., appointment, 571 degree, 582 resignation, 778 Pecaric, J. D., degree, 789 Pechman, Faith J., degree, 1566 Pecina, G. C , degree, 1396 Peck, G. W., appointment, 63, 67, 896, 899 Peck, R. B., appointment, 124, 510, 958 Peck, R. D., degree, 1242 Peckerman, J., certificate, 42 Peckham, V. D., degree, 1394 Pecorari, R. E., certificate, 488 Peddie, G. H., degree, 826 Pedersen, Anne, appointment, 12 Pedersen, L. W., degree, 1561 Pedersen, O. B., certificate, 488 Pediatrics, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1199 budget, 208, 310, 1045, 1147 clinical faculty, 360, 1189 gift, funds, 556, 1219 research, 555, 1216, 1217 travel fund, addition, 1219 purchase, colorimeter, 852 spectrophotometers, 852 sterilizer, 852 Pedodontics, budget, 218, 313, 1057, 1152 postgraduate curriculum, 1322 Pedrotti, L. S., degree, 795 Peebles, C. R., degree, 1545 Peeler, C. H., Jr., degree, 1242 Peer, Mrs. Mary K., appointment, 266, 1102 Peffer, C. D., degree, 804 Pehlman, J. E., certificate, 1357 Peifer, Rose M., appointment, 257, 1093 Peirce, G. R., appointment, 126, 955, 960 Peirce, Mrs. Helen M„ appointment, 1138 Peirson, Mrs. Beverly J., appointment, 265 Peirson, W. R., degree, 419 Pelafas, S. G., degree, 821 Pelayo, J„ appointment, 330, 1172 Pelikan, E. W., appointment, 1045 degree, 827 Pelka, F. X., appointment, 217, 1053 Pellegrino, L., degree, 1572 Pelletier, J. A., jr., degree, 1562 Pelletier, S. W., appointment, 397, 690 discovery, patent rights, release, 1418 Pellettiere, E. V., appointment, 359 resignation, 646 Pellikan, D. R., degree, 798 Pellizzari, Maria C , degree, 820 Pelly, Carol N. t degree, 1550 Peltason, J. W., appointment, 603, 916, 1454 Pelteson, F. M.,«degree, 581 Peltz, R. W., appointment, 446 Pelzmann, L., gift, 1219 Pemberton, P. N., degree, 413 Pemco Corp., contract, change, 668 Pempek, C. J., degree, 407 Pence, Jennie J., appointment 258, 1094 Pence, W. E., degree, 818 Pendleton, H. E., appointment, 76, 1275 Pendleton, J. W., appointment, 100, 115, 933, 948 degree, 579 Penneld, C. M., degree, 1237 Peng, G. T. C , fellowship, 1470 Penicillin derivatives, synthetic, research, gift, 552 Penland, G. R., degree, 829 Penman, A. S., degree, S282
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