UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1630]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Penman, Mrs. Jean M., appointment, 266 Penn, J. F., appointment, 289 Perm, R. F., degree, 825, 827 Penn, R. J., degree, 1562 Penney, J. C , Co., stock, sale, 835 Penney, Louise D., degree, 1237 Penney, Thelma C , degree, 1237 Penninger, R. J., degree, 1396 Pennington, D. R., degree, 1556 Pennington, L. A., appointment, 83 resignation, 449 Pennington, M. M., degree, 1561 Pennisi, L. L„ appointment, 243, 1082, 1333, 1458 Pennsylvania Avenue, property at 201 West, purchase, 3 property at 805 West, sale, 539 Pennsylvania Fire Co., insurance, purchase, 7" Pennsylvania Pump & Compressor Co., contract, 850 Pennypacker, Elizabeth, appointment, 11, 1308 Penrod, P. R., degree, 1553 Pentothal sodium, study, contract, 1305 Penwell, Martha E., degree, 1555 Peoples, Joyce H., degree, 1392 Peoples Gas, Light, & Coke Co., contract, 610 Peoria Tool & Engineering Co., purchase, 1466 Pepper, Echo D., appointment, 81, 914 Perbix, Joyce A., degree, 416 Perbohner, Barbara C , degree, 806 Percival, F. V., appointment, 270, 1106 Percival, G., appointment, 1102 Percival, Stella, appointment, 156, 991 Percy, N. M., appointment, 362, 1191 Peritz, R. M., degree, 1564 Perkal, Mrs. Eva, appointment, 306, 1142 Perkins, A. J., appointment, 221, 1057, 1314 Perkins, F. C , degree, 583 Perkins, G., appointment, 1190 Perkins, G. M., degree, 1245 Perkins, Nellie L., appointment, 108, 695, 942 Perkins, R. B., appointment, 246, 1085 Perl, E. R., degree, 830 Perlinski, W. J., degree, 1577 Perlis, I. B., appointment, 1228 degree, 1539 Perlman, Mrs. Bernice T., appointment, 181 resignation, 732 Perlman, J., appointment, 222 resignation, 513 Perlman, L., appointment, 354. " 8 2 Perlman, M. M., fellowship, 681 declination, 732 Perlman, R., appointment, 154, 689, 989 Perlman, S. E., certificate, 488 Perls Galleries, Inc., purchase, 1466 Perlstein, M. A., member of advisory committee, 562 Perlstein, Minnie O., appointment, 1380 Perlstein, S., appointment, 353, " 8 1 Perman, R. J., certificate, 842 Permanent employee, nonacademic, definition, 1426 Permutit Co., purchase, 671 Pernokis, E. W., appointment, 353, " ° i Pero, J. W., degree, 585 Perot, P. L., Jr., appointment, 1228 Perri, Lena, degree, 786 Perrin, Cora, appointment, 11, 1308 Perrine, T. F., certificate, 1329 Perry, B. E., apointment, 73, 9°°, '447 book, printing, 30 Perry, H. E., degree, 819 Perry, Helen I., degree, 413 Perry, Kathryne J., appointment, 2H7. I I 2 4 Perry, Ola M., degree, 577 Perry, R. E., degree, 1246 Perry, Mrs. Shirley K., appointment, 1132 Perry, T. H., degree, 581 , Perry Construction Co., Inc., contract, 20, 370, 471, 608 assignment to R. Mansfield, 1462


Perryman, Mrs. Verne, appointment, J l i , 1149 Pers, R. A., degree, 1563 Persinger, Doris J., degree, 420, 787 fellowship, £13 Persky, M., degree, 817 Person, E. G., Jr., degree, 421 Personality structure, research, gift, 550 Personnel management, curriculum, revisions, 490 Pervinsek, R. J., degree, 592 Perwich, A. D., degree, 1248 Pesavento, Mrs. Wilma, resignation, 1383 Peschel, Virginia, appointment, 318, 1156 Peschke, G. C , degree, 804 Peshkiir, A. J., degree, 1555 Peskin, A. A., degree, 593 Peskin, B. A., appointment, 129 degree, 583 Pestel, C. V., appointment, 315, 1153 Peszek, E. F„ degree, 829 Peterman, Mrs. Marcia, appointment, 279, i"5 Peternell, W. V., degree, 1544 Peters, A. E., degree, 814 Peters, A. W., degree, 814 Peters, B. A., degree, 418 Peters, D. G., degree, 814 Peters, E. R., appreciation for services to University, 1336 invitation to January meeting, 1331 telegram, conditions in the College of Commerce and Business Administration, 428 Peters, H. M., degree, 1237 Peters, Irene A., degree, 1555 Peters, J. W., appointment, 80, 696, 913 Peters, M. S., appointment, 843, 905 Peters, Margie L., degree, 420 Peters, Mary J., degree, 1576 Peters, R. A., degree, 829 Peters, Ruth M., degree, 576 Petersen, A. J., appointment, 873, 1228 degree, 803 Petersen, A. S. J., appointment, 312, 1049 Petersen, Catherine L\, degree, 1286 Petersen, E. C , Jr., degree, 821 Petersen, Elizabeth M., appointment, 72, 906 resignation, 1316 Petersen, F. A., appointment, 123, 397, 957 resignation, 1234 Petersen, F. W., degree, 1538 Petersen, Mrs. Gertrude, appointment, 318 Petersen, J. A., degree, 827 Petersen, J. D., degree, 588 Petersen, J. R., degree, 588 Petersen, R. J., degree, 1570 Petersen, Ruth, appointment, 11 Petersen, W. F., appointment, 207 Peterson, Mrs. Betty W., appointment, 1132 Peterson, C. F., degree, 1541 Peterson, Carolyn, appointment, 313, 1150 Peterson, D. D., certificate, 488 Peterson, D. H., degree, 1400 Peterson, D. W., certificate, 1329 Peterson, E. A., degree, 594 Peterson, F. A., degree, 593 Peterson, F. L., appointment, 133, 571, m « resignation, 573 Peterson, F. P., fellowship, 1484 declination, 1487 Peterson, G. C , Co., purchase, 852 Peterson, G. E., degree, 803 Peterson, G. L., degree, 407 Peterson, G. T., degree, 806 Peterson, Mrs. Gertrude, appointment, 1150 Peterson, H. D., degree, I3J4 Peterson, H. G., degree, 1567 Peterson, H. J., degree, 821 Peterson, Helen A., degree, 800 Peterson, Helen L., degree, 1242 Peterson, I. L., appointment, 155, 989 contract, 608, 1204