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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Barrick, W. W., degree, 1563 Barron, L. B-, degree, 795 Barron, S. H., Jr., appointment, 389, 729, 104s 1593 Barrow, J. M., appointment, 153, 988 Barry, J. L., degree, 1400 Barry, J. P., degree, 583 Barry, J. R., appointment, 2^7, 244, 1076 resignation, 1279 Barry, Mrs. Mary A., appointment, 1166 Barsky, S., appointment, 1180 Bartels, Mrs. Dorothy E., appointment, 260 Bartels, J. F., appointment, 1333 Bartels, Shirley L., degree, 816 Bartelsen, H. D., degree, 1249 Barth, Dorothea V., appointment, 301, 1138, 1139 Barth, R. J., degree, 809 Barth, R. M., degree, 597 Barth, W. D., certificate, 1328 Barthe, D. R., degree, 418 Barthel, H. O., degree, 794 fellowship, 681, 1484 Barthel, J. W., degree, 809 Barthel, P. F., degree, 812 Bartholomew, H., appointment, 15s, 989 Bartik, R. F., degree, 814 Bartkiewicz, Marie N., degree, 1563 Bartkowicz, F. M., degree, 597 Bartkus, Lillian H., degree, 589 Bartleson, Shirley J., degree, 591 Bartlett, Alice C> appointment, 309, 1147 Bartlett, Dorothy M., degree, 1241 Bartlett, Isabelle, appointment, 1160 Bartlett, T. H., appointment, 132, 967 Bartlett, K. W., appointment, 283, 1119 Bartlett, R. W., appointment, 94, 104, 928, 937 Bartlett, W. K., degree, 1398 Bartley, F. P., Jr., degree, 786 Bartman, Fannie M., degree, 414 Barto, Harriet T., appointment, 108, 695, 942 Barto, P~ B., appointment, 389, 507, 998, 999 Barton, C. A., degree, 1542 Barton, E. M.f appointment, 353, 1181 Barton, Helen M., appointment, 248, 702, 1087 Barton, J. S., degree, 597 Barton, M. Q-» appointment, 698 degree, 1391 Bartosiewicz, Delphine F., degree, 1562 Bartow, Virginia, appointment, 72, 90s Bartusch, R. J., degree, 1401 Bartusek, F. J., Jr., degree, 802 Bartusek, G. J., degree, 1552 Barwig, A. E., degree, 815 Barzak, R. W., appointment, 909 degree, 78s Barzak, Mrs. Rose A., appointment, 1101 Baschnonga, S. A., degree, 80s Basci, F., degree, 453 Baseball coach, acting, appointment, 1358 Basfield, C. W., degree, 1389 Bash, Dorothy D., degree, 812 Bash, J. S„ & Sons, purchase, 31, 853 Basidiomycetes, nutritional requirements, study, contract, 1207 Basile, A. F., degree, 578 Baskett, L. M., appointment, 355 Baskett, Margery E., appointment, 1100 degree, 809 Baskin, J. R., appointment, 292, 1128 Bass, Mrs. Delores M., appointment, 1128 Bassie, V L., appointment, 140, 142, 975, 977 Basso, R., degree, 1251 Bast, Patricia A., degree, 1247 Bast, R. D., degree, 798 Bastendorf, W, L-, degree, 1540 Batchelor, Mrs. Elizabeth P., appointment, 869, 1476 resignation, 1382 Batchelor, J. D., degree, 452 fellowship, 677 Batcher, Olive M., appointment, 389, 944, 948 Bateman, H. P., appointment, 97, 114, 570, 93o, 948 Bateman, Helena S., appointment, 276 Bateman, J. R., degree, 586 Bateman, M. D., degree, 798 Bateman, P. T., appointment, 80, 869, 914 Bates, B. R., degree, 795 Bates, C , appointment, 1175 Bates, C. R., degree, 1563 Bates, F. R., degree, 818 fellowship, 876 Bates, Gertrude L., appointment, 83, 917 resignation, 1501 Bates, J. F., appointment, 247 Bates, M. C., appointment, 293, 1129 Bates, Margaret M., appointment, 231, 1069 Bates, N. A., fellowship, 1480 Bates, R. F., degree, 1398 Batman, Ruth M., degree, 421, 793 Batson, H. C., appointment, 547, 1048 Battaglia, J. A., certificate, 41 Battaglia, LaVerne J., degree, 1560 Battaglini, Marie, appointment, 320, 1158 Batterham, R. E., degree, 1563 Battistoni, P. P., Jr., degree, 580 Batton, J. H., appointment, 262 Baty, Mrs. Lorraine M., appointment, 287 Baty, M. W., degree, 587 Baty, R. D., certificate, 1328 Baubkus, J. J., degree, 588 Baubkus, Zita L., degree, 1576 Baucher, L., Jr., degree, 1551 Bauder, W. W., appointment, 1526 Bauer, Carole A., appointment, 291 Bauer, E. E., appointment, 124, 958 Bauer, F. C., appointment, 98, 932 leave of absence, 1316 Bauer, L. S., Jr., degree, 421 Bauer, R., appointment, 1166 Bauer, Trinity A., degree, 1566 Bauer & Black, gift, 1215 purchase, 33 Bauerle, J. E., degree, 809 Baughman, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 308 Baujan, R. R., degree, 1561 Bauleke, M. P., degree, 579 Bauling, F. G., appointment, 130, 964, 970 Baulos, C. W., degree, 790 Baulos, Frances P., degree, 785 Baum, Mrs. Audrey V., appointment, n 04 Baum, Elizabeth M., appointment, 9 Baum, H. A., degree, 1252 Baum, H. C , appointment, 357, 1185 Baum, L., degree, 414 Bauman, L. F., appointment, 389, 934 degree, 449 Bauman, Mrs. M. Winifred, appointment, 302 Bauman, N. G., degree, 808 Bauman, P. A., appointment, 126, 961 Bauman, R. A., appointment, 73 declination, 402 Baumann, Mrs. Catherine L. A., appointment, degree, 799 Baumann, E. R., appointment, 125, 958, 1223 Baumann, G, L., certificate, 841 Baumann, K. D., degree, 1554 Baumeister, C. F., appointment, 354, 1183 Baumgardner, C. H., appointment, 1526 degree, 1535 Baumgardner, Mrs. Mary S., appointment, 1376 Baumgart, V-, certificate, 1328 Baumrucker, G. O., appointment, 364, " 9 3 Bauschelt, R. J., certificate, 488 Baxa, R. L., degree, 588 Baxter, Allison G., degree, 823, 1573 Baxter, D. H., degree, 79 8 Baxter, F. J., degree, 1548 Baxter, H. Y., degree, 1562 Baxter, J. F., appointment, 279, 1115 1109
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