UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1497]

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Beck, Barbara A., diploma, 1575 Beck, E. J., Jr., degree, 794 Beck, J. R., certificate, 41 Beck, J. W., degree, 1567 Beck, Lucille M., appointment, U73 Beck, P. A., appointment, 842, 965 Beck, R. L., degree, 815 Beck, W. H., degree, 803 Beck, W. J., degree, 803 Beckel, J. W., degree, 1552 Becker, B. N., degree, 825 Becker, Betsy P., degree, 1571 Becker, Beverly J., degree, 589 Becker, D. E., appointment, 7, 390, 936 Becker, E. C , degree, 1534 Becker, E. L., appointment, 202, 1037 resignation, 1382 Becker, F. N-, certificate, 42 Becker, Mrs. Gertrude C., appointment, 293,


Baxter, Leta S., degree, 453 Baxter, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 1094 Baxter Laboratories, contract, 864 Bayar, C , appointment, 1193 Bayard, W. L., appointment, 358 Bayer, G. M., degree, 801 Bayer, J. A., degree, 1400 Bayer, P. T., degree, 828 Bayle, A. D., degree, 816 Bayler, Mrs. Margaret B., appointment, 261, 1097 Bayler, T. W., degree, 1245 Bayless, Mrs. Jean, appointment, 321, 1163 Baylor, Calvin E., degree, 417 Baylor, Cecil E., degree, 585 Baylor, J. E., appointment, 364 Bayne, J. M., degree, 595 Bayne, J. W., appointment, 129, 696, 964, 1376 degree, 583 Baysinger, R. P., degree, 823, 1573 Baziotes, W., painting, purchase, 711 Bazola, F. N., appointment, 217, 1053 BDN Steel Erecting Co., purchase, 343 Beach, B. C , & Co., purchase, 342 Beach, F. H., appointment, 139, 974 Beach, T. W., appointment, 350, 390 Beach, Mary E., appointment, 262, 1098 Beach, R. W., degree, 1394 Beach, Shirlie M., degree, 805 Beach, T. C , degree, 820 Beadles, Jessie R., appointment, 103, 114 Beall, -H. H., Jr., degree, 1548 Beall, J. W., appointment, 1498 Deals, R. J., appointment, 123, 956 Beam, G. R., appointment, 61, 893 leave of absence, 532, 732 Beam, J. C , fellowship, 1485 Beam, R. T., degree, 597 Beaman, K. E., degree, 809 Beamer, P. D., appointment, 113, 163, 947, 998 degree, 783 Bean, Mrs. Bernice, appointment, 259, 1093 Bean, C. P., degree, 1535 Bean, H. L., degree, 798 Bean, H. W., appointment, 92, 102, 116, 925, 936, 95o Bean, J. M., Electric & Hardware, contract, 544, 1203 Bean, Kathryn A., degree, 1556 Bean, Louise B., degree, 1241 Bean, W. G., degree, 820 Beane, H. O., appointment, 293 Bear, Mrs. Marguerite, appointment, 325 Bear, R. E„ degree, 798 Bear, S. A., degree, 823 Beard, D. R., degree, 588 Beard, H., appointment, 206, 1042 Beard, W. R., degree, 815 Bearden, D., degree, 803 Beardmore, R. C , degree, 588, 1390 Beardsley, D. W., degree, 1388 fellowship, 401, 676, 876 declination, 683 Beasley, Delsia, degree, 1547 Beatrice Foods Co., contract, 1207 Beattie, E. J., Jr., appointment, 1526 Beattie, J. W., appointment, 444, 1049 Beatty, Frieda E., degree, 591 Beatty, G. F., degree, 792 Beaty, J., appointment, 76 fellowship, 776 resignation, 402 Beauman, W. H., member of advisory committee, 1194 Beaumont, C , degree, 795 Beaumont, Janice N., degree, 1564 Beavers, A. H., appointment, 7, 43, 933, 948 Beberman, M., appointment, 390, 985, 1526 Becht, J. E., degree, 782 Bechtle, Elfrieda, degree, 827 Becic, Marilyn J., degree, 808 Beck, B. L., appointment, 995

Becker, J. B., degree, 1248 Becker, J. S., degree, 424 Becker, Jo A., degree, 419 Becker, Mrs. K., gift, 1473 Becker, M. E., degree, 588 Becker, Martha E., degree, 1393 Becker, O. J., appointment, 359, 1187 Becker, R. A., appointment, 132, 967 Becker, R. W., degree, 453 Becker, W., degree, 1561 Becker, W. K., appointment, 673 degree, 580 resignation, 731 Beckers, Mary C , appointment, 318, 1156 Beckett, Grace, appointment, 141, 976 Beckett, R. H., appointment, 304 Beckstronij Janice E., appointment, 390 resignation, 777 Beckwith, C. B., certificate, 1328 Beckwith, R. M., degree, 592 Beckwith, Virginia, degree, 1573 Becola, Mrs. Mary, appointment, 1164 Bedenkop, W. L., Jr., degree, 788 Bedinger, P. L., appointment, 204, 1181 Beebe, Florence E., degree, 1550 Beebe, R. F., degree, 1561 Beedle, D. R., appointment, 1098 Beedle, Mary L., appointment, 265 Beer, J. J., degree, 1388 Beers, Mrs. Thelma S., appointment, 1270 Beeson, Delores J., degree, 1567 Beeson, Mrs. Frances L., appointment, 270 Beeson, T. R., degree, 80s Beeson, W. J., degree, 805, 1537 Begando, J. S., appointment, 139 degree, 782 Begg, Eva, appointment, 319, 1158 Beggan, K., degree, 453 Begun, A. E., degree, 419 Behavioral sciences, research, grant, 348 Behl, Helene L., degree, 1397 Behls, H. F., degree, 1394 Behm, R. W„ degree, 805 Behn, S. P., degree, 803 Behnke, D. C , degree, 1399 Behnke, G. C , degree, 801 Behr, L. C , appointment, 773, 1446 Behr, S. T., degree, 591 Behrends, D. O., degree, 1548 Behrends, R. A., degree, 1401 Behrens, H. C , degree, 1553 Behrens, H. H., degree, 139s Behringer, Clara M., appointment, 390, 699, 700, 920, 145s Behringer, Grace E., degree, 1550 Beile, R. W., degree, 1248 Beilfuss, H. R., fellowship, 677, 1480, 1500 declination, i486 Beilfuss, R. W., degree, 803 Beilin, D. S., appointment, 362, 1191 Beinar, P. J., appointment, 354, 1183 Belcher, D. W., appointment, 142 resignation, 402 Belcher, L. F., degree, 1236