UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1495]

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Barber, T. K., appointment, 218, 219, 1057 Barber, W. J., Jr., appointment, 161, 697 degree, 1245 Barbour, W., fellowship, 776 Barbre, Mrs. Marie S., appointment, 64, 193 resignation, 877 Bardies, L. P., degree, 1576 Barckley, Mrs. Claire M., appointment, 296 Barclay, Mrs. Addelein, appointment, 328,


Ballance, R. S., degree, 1544 Ball amine, Frederick Winthrop, degree, 794 Ballantine, Fredrick William, degree, 597 Ballard, F. W., fellowship, i486 Ballard, G. P., appointment, 355, 1183 Ballard, G. R., degree, 411 Ballew, Vivian M., degree, 582 Balson, M. M., degree, 787 Balthazar, Mrs. Gertrude, appointment, 11.26 Balto, C. R., degree, 828 Baltzell, J. H., appointment, 1270, 1376 Baltzer, Susanna, degree, 1239 Balz, G. P., degree, 823, 1573 Balzer, F. H., degree, 423 Bamber, L. E., appointment, 168, 185, 1003,


Bamberger, A., appointment, 362, 444, n g i Bammann, Bernice M., degree, 800 Bammann, D. E., degree, 585 Banach, L. P., certificate, 1490 Banaszewski, T., degree, 1561 Banche, J. F., degree, 788 Band Building, acoustical treatment, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 39 Band instruments, funds, gift, 1214 Bands, budget, 157, 287, 992, 1123 summer session, 689, 1445 instruments, appropriation, 546 purchase, 546, 671 revolving account, 158, 992 trip to California, expenses, 133 1 trip to Indiana, expenses, 1200 trip'to Michigan, expenses, 436 Bandstand, folding, purchase, 614 Bandy, J. C , degree, 4*4 Bane, J. Lita, appointment, 108, 942 Bane, Mary E., degree, 1554 Banerjee, D. K., degree, 1533 Banerjee, Mrs. Janina S., appointment, 293.


Bang, M. A., degree, 809 Banicki, J., degree, 822 Banik, Barbara, appointment, 1160 Bankert, R. L., degree, 819 Bankhead-Flannagan Fund, budget, 118, 276, Bankhead-Jones Fund, budget, 114, 275, 948, m i Banks, C. E., degree, 1564 Banks, G. E., degree, 594 Banks, T. A., appointment, 673, 1084 Banks, Marian E., degree, 1250 Banks, Olivia E., degree, 785 Banner Construction Co., contract, 865, 1474 Bannick, L. D., degree,^828 Bannister, R. G., degree', 781 Bannister, T. C , appointment, 42, 153, 389, 689, 987, 1444 Bannister, T. H., degree, 411 Bannon, J. B., degree, 799 Bannon, R. W., degree, 798 Banta, F. G., appointment, 912 Banta, G., Publishing Co., purchase, 768 Bantz, Elizabeth R., appointment, 184 resignation, 402 Bantz, L., appointment, 257, 1094 Baptista, S. F., degree, 809 Barackman, Patricia A., degree, 820 Baram, P., degree, 1569 discovery, patent rights, release, 1341 Baranowski, C. J., degree, 1389 Baranyi, Helen I., degree, 825 Baratz, J. J., appointment, 360, 1189 Barba, W. P., I I , appointment, 673, 104S Barbee, K. W., degree, 1239 Barber, C. S., appointment, 1313 Barber, H. W „ appointment, 244, 703, 1083, 1458, Barber, Mary R.f degree, 1543 fellowship, 1231 Barber, Mrs. Mildred C , appointment, 286,

Barcus, F. E., degree, 1554 Bard, G., appointment, 210, 507 resignation, 646 Bard, G. W „ degree, 823, 1573 Bardeen, J., appointment, 736, 960, 966 Barden, H. G., certificate, 527 Bare, M. JoAnne, appointment, 1127 Bareither, H. D., appointment, 129, 964, 1452 Barenholtz, E. S., degree, 589 Bargh, G. H., Jr., appointment, 43, 896 degree, 1541 Barham, H. G., degree, 822, 1571 Barker, Mrs. Ellen R., appointment, 1123 degree, 591 Barker, J. C., degree, 418 Barker, Jeanne M., degree, 1554 Barker, Melba B., degree, 787 Barker, R, J., appointment, 476, 1223 Barker, Sylvia, appointment, 11 Barker, W. H., degree, 1237 Barker, W. R., gift, 555 Barkley, Margaret K., degree, 1244 Barkson, A. W., degree, 597 Barkson, J. A., appointment, 126, 961 degree, 581 Barley fertilizer tests, research, gift, 550, 1213 Barlow, R. R., appointment, 166, 1002 Barmes, B. H., degree, 1394 Barnard, Phyllis I., appointment, 1376 degree, 1395 Barnd, M. L., degree, 828 Barnes, B. L,, appointment, 1423 Barnes, Broda O., appointment, 507, 1190 Barnes, C. B., degree, 1552 Barnes, F. P., appointment, 145, 149, 692, 980, 1448 Barnes, Frances L., degree, 1246 Barnes, J. D., appointment, 304, 1140 Barnes, J. E., appointment, 272, 1108 Barnes, P. L., degree, 411 Barnes, R. E., degree, 823 Barnes, R. M., degree, 1548 Barnett, G. A., appointment, 271, 1107 Barnett, J. H., degree, 424, 797 Barnett, M. L., degree, 800 Barnett, Margaret, appointment, u Barnett, N. W., degree, 816 Barnett, Z. G., appointment, 389, 530, 692 Barney, E. B., degree, 597 Barnhart, Barbara L., degree, 1560 Barnhart, Irene M., appointment, 278 Barns, Dairy Science, appropriation, 545 contracts, 544 Barnum, R. V., degree, 1393 Baroid Sales Division, National Lead Co., gift, 549, 1468 Baron, L. S., degree, 1281 fellowship, 46 Baron, T., appointment, 72 Barr, H. M., appointment, 1448 Barr, N. P., degree, 1557 Barra, A., degree, 815 Barreto, S., Jr., degree, 595 Barrett, A. J., degree, 1542 Barrett, C. V., Jr., appointment, 358, 1186 Barrett, D., appointment, 1149 Barrett, D. C , degree, 798 Barrett, D. S., degree, 1570 Barrett, H. C , appointment, 389, 946 Barrett, J. E., degree, 1394 Barrett, J. M., fellowship, 512 Barrett, W . S., degree, 418