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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 63 the State Public Utilities Commission of Illinois, proposing that the Public Utilities Commission and the University cooperate in establishing a laboraiory equipped to calibrate electrical testing instruments on a commercial basis. If such a laboratory is established at Urbana, the State Public Utilities Commission proposes to expend a sum not to exceed $1,000 for the equipment, and to assume one-half the expense (or salary) of the appointment of one man, not to exceed $1,500 a year, the University to assume the other expenses. Dean Goss estimates that the initial expenditure by the University to equip a room and to supply additional important apparatus need not be in excess of $2,000. On motion of Mr. Hoit, the President of the University was authorized to establish such a standards laboratory under the conditions named, if he finds it to be feasible, the expenses of the same, so far as they rest on the University, to be defrayed from the funds appropriated in the budget of the coming year for the College of Engineering or the Engineering Experiment Station. GRANT FOR MISSISSIPPI VALLEY HISTORICAL REVIEW (26) A request from Professor C. W. Alvord for an appropriation of $100 toward the support of the Mississippi Valley Historical Review. This amount was appropriated last year and the year before. The publication of this Review is a valuable element in the work which we are trying to build up in local mid-west history. During the presentation of this matter, President Abbott was called from the room and Mr. Carr presided over the meeting. Mr. Abbott's vote in favor of this appropriation was given on his return. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this appropriation was made. The vote was as follows: Ayes, President Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Small, Mr. Trevett. REGISTRATION OF GRADUATE STUDENTS (27) A recommendation from the Executive Faculty of the Graduate School that the following regulations be established relating to registration of students in the Graduate School. 1. For newly admitted students, registration must be completed within two weeks. Otherwise it is subject to a fee of $1.00. 2. Registration of any student who was enrolled in the preceding semester will not be permitted after two weeks from the opening of class work in the current semester except by vote' of the Executive Faculty. Registration after this date is also subject to a fee of $1.00. 3. When a change of study list seems advisable it may be permitted without fee if made within three weeks of registration day. After that date, a fee of $1.00 shall be charged for each change, except that the total charge for a rearrangement authorized on any one change slip shall not exceed $2.00. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was adopted.
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