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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 39 The communication received from the Urbana and Champaign Electric Street Railway Company, with reference to a contract to be made with the Champaign Electric Lighting and Power Company, for furnishing electric power to the University, was referred to the Executive Committee and the Business Agent to report upon at the next meeting of the Board. The bill of the Urbana and Champaign Electric Street Railway Company for power, from July 1 to September 1,1894, amounting to $41.20, was ordered paid, A communication received from Dr. Bayard Holmes, of Chicago, was referred to the Governor, President Draper, and Mr, Armstrong for consideration, to be reported upon as soon as practicable. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds was directed to have a conference with the mayor and city council of the city of Chamjmign writh regard to the sewage in Boneyard Creek, and report at the next meeting of the Board. Professor Forbes's request to have Mr. W. G. Johnson, assistant entomologist of the Laboratory of Natural History, take charge of the students' laboratory work in entomology, during the ensuing winter and spring terms, and that Mr. Johnson be placed upon the corps of instructors of the University, but without additional salary, was granted. A communication from Professor S. W. Parr with regard to improvements in the Chemical Laboratory, was presented by President Draper and referred to the legislative committee. The papers presented with regard to electric lighting were referred to the Finance Committee. President Draper also presented a communication from the editor and business manager of the Junior Annual for 1894, asking for an appropriation. Upon motion of Mr. McLean the Board approj^riated $110.00 to this purpose, but stipulated that the University should have a page of advertising in the Annual. A communication was received from Mr. F. S. Olver, of Champaign, asking for the use of Military Hall for one concert by the Theodore Thomas orchestra, of Chicago. This request was endorsed by many citizens of Champaign and Urbana. It was voted to permit the Hall to be used for this purpose wdth the stipulation that the University should be at no further expense than that of heating and lighting the hall, provided that Mr. Olver should arrange with the Secretary of this Board to have the concert during term time and for the admission to desirable seats in the Hall of all persons connected with the University at not more than 50 cents a seat. President Draper presented a statement, prepared by Mr. Esty, instructor in electrical engineering, with regard to installing a system of telephones. The cost of a system of fifteen telephones—overhead construction—was estimated at:
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