Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
^ .. , lent I nn ! to the l niv( • ud »ndi includ( intox \ | il who bu) I q ' • itributinu to tlu :h« 5P1 ( IA1 I;I G! i iTIONS FOR WOM1 N \ n In • women .it the I irsil Nlim mti then health and wcl I (feci H II thi h 1i impu I work. HOURS T h e I niversitv has « blished closing hours r w .1 m I heir wn hallr houses by 10:30 pan. on w k night I: IN . I i b ^ nun I' • lic| rudent u'l j | n : d ay nights, and 11:' pan. on Sunday nights, i rptions e iring Re ration and Final Weel iu\ on sp< al o Men callmay be received at hoi where und< n e at'ter 4:00 p.m., except on Saturday mil Sund . when tl ma] call 12:00 noon. Undergraduate women may not I men's living q without an approved chaperon. CALLERS Men's houses may entertain women gu in rmally when an appi chaperon is present, Tuesday and Thursday 4-7:30 p.m., W Ines 4-1 p.m.. Friday 4 p.m.-12:4' i.m.. Saturday noon to 12:4' a.m.. Sunday noon to 7 :30 p.m. TRAVEL SCHEDULES An undergraduate woman's travel scheduh should be arran d so tl * si leaves campus and returns before the closing hour- in student h« r v «1K In unusual cases, her house director or head re lent may give her s il permission for other arrangements, or may refer the request i the I Women's office. OVERNIGHT TRIPS Freshman women must have a letter or permission : >m a parent < n if they plan to leave the campus on an overnight trip. Upperclassmen ma\ ubn general parental permission for the entire year. When a woman student leaves the campus, she must sign out of her studeil residence, giving information on her destination, method of trans >n. host 5, and expected hour and date of return. 'Flu's is both a courtesy t hoi • director or counselor, and is a service to the student in case it would h nece iry to reach her because an emergency had arisen. FIELD TRIPS :\ woman student need not get special permission to take a field trip held in connection with class work or approved extra-curricular activities. Such pe m ions are granted by the Dean of Women for the entire group, WORKING LATE With the exception of freshmen and those students on academic probation \ -men tudents may get limited permission for late work. Those who q me other n lit of their choice, provided details are cleared with the Offici 1 )ean of Women. 46 V he allowed to return to their residences as late as 11 :15 pan. on Sunda] M)y\ th< .•