Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

(ADDITION M Rula and ents R\ 1 ES w i > Kl <.( I \ I I O N S pi, t indarda governing aspects oi your In* I ni nity oi I Hi no ed throughout this booklet. The M <>ns on hou il mic life, and activities are only a tew that includ m ij th< < ul< the rule that governs a specific ca ou will be w >nsul it€ heading in this booklet. e additional miscellaneous rules arc grouped together here, [f you have 5ti nit any rules affecting your academic career, consult our colle office. If you have qu rions on rules | kerning your out-of-cla life, go to the Hoe IC Dean 0 Men or Dean of W o m e n . PERSONAL GONDIH I When you become an Illini, you are an active member of the University ununity, entitled to its rights and privileges provided you assume your re of re K>nsi bill ties. The University demands high Standards of personal conduct from its students. Higher education is a privilege; it is not your right. T h e nation, the state, and the I niversity cannot afford to spend energy and money on those whose behavior or academic work do not meet accepted standards. As a I niversity student, it is your responsibility to respect and abide by Unive ty regulations as well as the laws of the community, the state, and the nation. DISCIPLINE Students whose conduct violates University rules or accepted standards may be subject to disciplinary action by appropriate University agencies. In extreme rcumstances. their cases may be taken to the Sub-Committee on Student Discipline, of which the Security Officer (Page 23) is secretary. Although a student who gets into trouble will be given all possible help and understanding, those whose standards and purposes seem completely at odds with those of the University may be put on probation or dismissed. MASS DEMONSTRATIONS One of the most unpleasant occurrences in higher education and at the Uniersity of Illinois in recent years has been that of mass demonstrations, water ghts, or various mob displays which may be set in motion by unthinking and undisciplined students. These activities are not condoned. Each Illini parent and student should understand this. These escapades give the public a distorted icw of university life, obliterating many excellent and worthwhile activities. Students, men or women, found to be participants in such mass demonstrations will be asked to leave the University, thereby seriously jeopardizing their academic careers. DRINKING Illinois law prohibits possession, purchase, or drinking of beer, wine, or liquor by young people under the age of 21. In addition, state law forbids transportation or possession of any alcoholic beverage in or about a motor vehicle except in the original package and with the seal unbroken. A University regulation forbids possession or use of intoxicating beverages in any form in or about University property, in places where students live, and at tudent organization meetings or social events. 45