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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

m si\r>uniM. tabic on a bca< h 01 al B re on ; in publi. I mpus ii not. Sunbath area sheltered from public view, have b n pro ided n< denl tl Students should check with h d resident hou mnseloi Illini Guidi to learn w hich ai i is mo • my 1 Even in tlu inbathi trcas, undulj skimpj or otherv* immodest tun • permitted. Standards ol ;ood conduct and di :ncj in drc >hould be observed, and app itc d « should be worn to and from the areas. Places re d inbathing will soon become unsightlj and unph mt - e\ thej are littered with ma izines, paper, other refuse, and • b ties. Yo ire ui to leave sunbathinj ireas free of rei , and tak .*.! .1 belongings home with you. 1 lit* unbathers are those hounded by Springfield Avenue on fair Drive On the SOUth, Mathews Street on the east, and Wrigh Si -t on the \\ t. VEHICLE REGISTRATION MOTOR A I B H I I S Freshmen under 21 years old, and students on academic probation, are prohibited from keeping can or driving them while under jurisdiction of the I i\lv I n< iduates who are eligible to have or drive automobiles, regardless of their e, must register them at the Automohile and Traffic Division, Service Lnnex Building, I'M N. Mathews St. You will be charged a registration fe< of 0 per semester. The Univ< sity restricts the use of motor vehicles by all undergraduates at Champaign-Urbana. Its rules regarding use and storage oi student-owned automobiles art- rigidly enforced, and infractions make a student subject to University ipline. A >py of these rules can he obtained from the Motor Vehicle Diviion, 103 Service Annex. Copies also are distributed at registration. BICYCLES Bicycles owned by students and faculty must he registered at Motor Vehicle Division, but no fee is charged. Regulations for bicycle riders are distributed at registration. Copies of them also may be obtained from the .Motor Vehicle Diviand qu tions on bicycle registration and regulations will be answered there. 47 '
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