UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1205]

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[November 23

already has a sidewalk to the extent needed for its property and is not interested in lighting on its side of the street, the project has been adjusted to eliminate these items. On this basis the University is asked to assume and pay a maximum sum of $22,336.32 toward a total estimated cost of $54,063 for the project The proposed project has been studied by the Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller, who have reached the conclusion that the improvement would benefit the University and that the proportion of cost which the University is requested to pay is fair and reasonable for the benefits derived. The improvement fronts on one side of the Small Homes Council Housing Research Area. Funds are available in the state capital appropriation for minor improvements for 1951-1953, subject to release by the Governor. I recommend that the Board express its concurrence in the project and approve an allotment of the amount required from the state appropriation.

On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board concurred in this project and authorized an allotment of $22,336.32 to pay the University's share of the costs, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Grange, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Megran, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Stevenson.

SITE FOR PROPOSED LIFE SCIENCES BUILDING AND IMPROVEMENT OF GOODWIN AVENUE AND CLOSING OF PART OF ILLINOIS STREET (11) One of the buildings of highest priority in the building program of the University is a new Life Sciences Building in Urbana. An appropriation for it was strongly urged at the last session of the General Assembly, but was not granted. An advance of federal funds has been secured for studies of the building, and the. site must be assured before major expenditures are made on such studies. The Faculty Building Program Committee has studied in detail the problem of a site. The Committee has assembled extensive information on this subject and has discussed the problem with representatives of all interests concerned. The Committee has reached the unanimous conclusion, concurred in by these representatives, that the building should be located immediately east of the Natural History Building and Noyes Laboratory. This site requires the south portion of the block bounded by Mathews, Green, Goodwin, and Illinois Streets, the north portion of the block bounded by Mathews, Illinois, Goodwin, and California Streets, and the use of Illinois Street between these two blocks. It has recommended that, in addition to acquiring land in this area not now owned by the University, the city of Urbana be requested to vacate the one block of Illinois Street between Mathews Avenue and Goodwin Avenue as an essential part of this development. A closely related item is the improvement of Goodwin Avenue between Springfield and Nevada to relieve traffic congestion on Mathews Avenue and to coordinate with the long-range plan for general development of the east side of the campus. An extension and improvement of Goodwin Avenue from Gregory Drive to Pennsylvania Avenue recently has been completed. Extended discussions have been carried on by University officials with the City Council and other officials of Urbana. The Council is ready to proceed with the improvement of South Goodwin Avenue at a total estimated cost of $226,000. The University is asked to contribute approximately $129,000 toward this improvement. It would also be asked to pay for (a) the land vacated in the closing of Illinois Street, which has been appraised at $51,613, and (b) such additional costs to the city of Urbana resulting from the University's deferral of payments on the Goodwin Avenue improvement. The University has acquired title to most of the property on both sides of Illinois Street in the block immediately east of the campus, and the closing would be effective only after payments totaling $51,613 have been made by the University or by other owners of property fronting on this block. The widening of Goodwin Avenue will make it necessary for the city of