UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1458]

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Shambaugh, G. E., Jr., member of advisory Senger, J. D., appointment, 103, 624 committee, 243 degree, 160 Shambaugh, P., appointment, 58, 879 Senger, J. W., degree, 865 Shambaugh, T. J., Jr., member of advisory Senneft, J. M., degree, 446 Senour, V. K., degree, 27s committee, 178 Senteney, J. B., degree, 438 Shames, Mrs. Nora, appointment, 790 Sentz, R. C , degree, 437 Shamray, J. E., certificatej 496 Shanafelt, Mrs. Fay, appointment, 779 fellowship, 34°. I ° 9 I Shane, D. C , degree, 1219 Septow, I., degree, 1229 Shane, M., degree, 457 Seratan, Dorothy L., degree, 456 Shaner, D. R., degree, 1221 Sered, H., appointment, 51, 872 Shaner, H. J., Jr., degree, 270 Serio, V., degree, 1031 Shanholtzer, J. G., degree, 1020 Series, E. R., appointment, 697 Shanin, L. H., degree, 450 Service drives, Talbot Laboratory, appropriaShank, M. C , appointment, 1007 tion, 175 Shanker, A., decree, 859 contract, 175, 297 Shanks, J. W., degree, 434 Serwich, A. E., certificate, 206 Shanks, Rosanna, degree, 433 Seskind, B., degree, 1212 Shannon, F. A., appointment, 383, 563* 1145 Seten, Mary H., lease, 238, 525 Shanor, L., appointment, 555, 1139 Setinz, Verna B., degree, 124 Shapin, T., Jr., appointment, 425, 621, 1193 Setz, R. L., degree, 1027 Seven, R. P., degree, 258 degree, 439 Severin, R., degree, 457 Shapiro, A. D., degree, 1031 Severns, J. E., degree, 1237 Shapiro, B. J., degree, 128 Severns, R. L., degree, 268 Shapiro, C., degree, .273 Severns, \V. H., appointment, 613 j Shapiro, D., degree, 468 Sevy, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 800 j Shapiro, F., appointment, 53, 875 Shapiro, Ivy G., degree, 1226 Sewage disposal, cost, University's share, 91 Shapiro, M. D., appointment, 425, 621, 1193 Sewage research, budget, 617, 757 Seward. R. E., degree, 47-2 degree, 449 Sewdl, ]>oris C , appointment, 425, 546 Shapiro, N. D., certificate, 133 Sewell, \V. P., degree, 440 Shapiro, S. E., appointment, 722, 1152 Sewer, sanitary, improvements, appropriation, Shapiro, S. L., appointment, 54, 875 Shapiro, S. R., degree, 1233 balance reappropriated, 530 Shapland, J. T., degree, 1217 cost, University's share, 91 Share, I. A., fellowship, 841 Small Homes Council housing research Sharp, F. T., appointment, 799 project, 827 Sharp, G., appointment, 791 temporary housing area, contract, 227, Sharp, H. L., degree, 265 330 Sharp, H. T., degree, 1248 additions, 411, 507 Sharp, Q. R., degree, 278 Sewing and Mending Stores, Research and Sharp, R. E., Jr., degree, 1225 .Educational Hospitals, budget, 707, 796 Sharp, R. H., certificate, 969 Sexton, Audrey M., appointment, 768 Sharp, R. M., degree, 446 Sexton, F. E., degree, 447 Sharp & Dohme, Inc., gift, 908 Sextan. H. O., appointment, 386, 638, 653, Sharpe, D. M., appointment, 41, 103 1147 SextGti, Meta M., appointment, 662, 1088 degree, 931 Seybolt, R. F., appointment, 620 Sharpe, E. R., degree, 460 Seyiarth, F., appointment, 613, 1147 Sharpe, J. H,, Jr., degree, 278 Seyfarth. Mrs. Jean H., resignation, 34S Sharpe, J. T., appointment, 254, 386 Seyler, E. C , appointment, 544 declination, 428 Sevier, J. W,, appointment, 41, 379, 608 degree, 263 Seyller, H. E., certificate, 206 Sharpe, K. P., appointment, 696 Seymour, Barbara A., degree, 1236 salary adjustment, 1136 Seymour, R. G., appointment, 377, 624, 1087 Sharpe, P. H., degree, 125 Seymour, W. M., certificate, 496 Shattuck, C. H., appointment, 559, 1150 Shackelford, W-, degree, 1218 Shaughnessy, H. J., appointment, 47, 867, Shackelford, Mrs. Wanda J., appointment, 1071, i T 36 Shaul, V. C , degree, 855 735 Shaull, R. C , certificate, 1035 Shadaksharappa, K. S., degree, 475 Shaver, A. E., degree, 1026 Shade, Barbara J., degree, 445 Shaver, D. L., degree, 445 Shafer, E. H., Jr., degree, 449 Shaver, J. A., degree, 450 Shafer, G. G., ST., degree, 1207 Shaver, K. O , degree, 1219 Shafer, M. J., degree, 278 Shaver, R. H., appointment, 383, 1145 Shafer, M. K., appointment, 758 degree, 263 Shaffer, H. R., degree, 436 Shaffer, H. S., degree, 261 fellowship, 1093 Shaffer, P. R., appointment, 562 Shaver, R. R., appointment, 103 Shaffer, R. W., degree, 128 Shaw, Agnes A., degree, 458 Shaffer, Wayne E., degree, 1020 Shaw, Mrs. Clara C , appointment, 796 Shaffer, William E., degree, 1219 Shaw, E. J., Jr., degree, 128 Shahani, K. M., appointment, 1136 Shaw, J. C , degree, 935 Shahbazian, V. L., degree, 160 Shaw, Jean C , appointment, 230, 683 Shahbender, R. A., fellowship, 980, 1092 Shaw, N. G., appointment, 55> 877 Shaklee, W. E., appointment, 586, 597 Shaw, Phyllis M., degree, 458 Shaw, R., degree, 122 resignation, 981 Shaw, S. N-, degree, 457 Shakow, D., appointment, 103, 689 Shaw, W. K., degree, 468 Shalit, E. M., degree, 270 Shawl, R. I-, appointment, 376, 580, 1139 Shalla, L, S., appointment, 679 Shawler, O. T., degree, 1213 Shallcross, G. P., degree, 1.232 Shawver, D. L., appointment, 624, 1140 Shallcross, J. N., degree, 468 Shalowitz, Gloria J., degree, 1024 degree, 160