UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1457]

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Scrivner, J. H., degree, 1022 Serf], R, J., degree, 1229 Scroggin, J, A., degree, 1033 Segal, D. W., degree, 863 Scuderi, C. S., appointment, 691 Segal, I, J., certificate, 496 Scull, R. H., appointment, 48 Segall, B., degree, 442 Seagrist, E, J., appointment, 375, 606 fellowship-, 255, 343, 1095 Sealander, J. A., Jr., degree, 931 declination, 345 Seaman, B. J., Jr., degree, 1032 Segedin, L. B., degree, 1212 Seaman, Kathryn D., degree, 1207 Segedin, Ruth L., degree, 1031 Seaman, R. F., appointment, 633, 957 Segermark, E. G., appointment, 800 Seghetti, Lolita L., appointment, 790 degree, 847 Seid, H. R., degree, 267 Seaman, V. D., member of advisory commitSeidenberg, M., degree, 1013 tee, 416 Seaquist, Barbara A., degree, 461 fellowship, 1055, Searl, Anna, appointment, 592, 603 Seidler, A. H., appointment, 155. 387, 641, Searle, G. D., & Co., contract, 307 1148 gift, 908 degree, 119 Searl es, S., Jr., appointment, 557 ! Seidler, B. M., appointment, 155 declination, 844 resignation, 428 Searles, W. C , degree, 453 Setfer, Anita, degree, 453 Searls, W. L., degree, 265 Seifer, H. A., degree, 128 Sears, Mrs. Helen W. ( appointment, 715, Seifert, Mrs. Gloria M., appointment, 736 Seifert, R. A., degree, 1029 719, -TI53, iiS4 Seil, M. D., appointment, 646 Sears, J. M., Jr., degree, 1229 Seiler, E. J., degree, 468, 1239 Sears, O. H., appointment, 582 Seiler, F., appointment, 747 Sears, R. C , degree, 1015 Seitz, F., appointment, 314, 338, 616, 620 Sears, Roebuck & Co., purchase, 479 Seitzinger, Coma W.f degree, 1235 Seaton, T. W., degree, 270 Seiwert, H. C , degree, 466 Seator, G. D., degree, 1235 Seiz, C.( Jr., degree, 460 Seavey, F. R., degree, 1221 Seiz, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 741 Seay, Barbara J., degree, 1236 Seles, Mrs. Genevieve, appointment, 803 Sebel, Charlotte H., degree, 270 Seliger, V. L., degree, 466 Sjsbens, Anna R., degree, 453 Selin, E. P., degree, 275 Sebens, Wilma S., appointment, declination, Sell, C. A., degree, 1235 46 Sellas, J, T., degree, 124 resignation, 110 Selleg, Donna J., degree, 454 Sebo, W. J., degree, 128, 1018 Secondary Schools, Admissions from, Comfellowship, 427 mittee, budget, 545, 737 Sellen & McKenzie, gift, 904 Secondino, Margaret A., degree, 461 Sellett, J. W.j degree, 1247 Secord, A. W., appointment, 559, 1144 Seltzer, Harriett A., degree, 1199 Secord, M. T.? degree, 465 fellowship, 343 Secretarial training, curriculum, 299 Seltzer, Marjorie B., degree, 1033 Secretary of Board, acknowledgment of letter Seltzer, N., degree, 1012 from R, G. Soderstrom, 924 Selverstone, L. A., appointment, 871 Seiz, P. H., appointment, 721, 838 authority, sale of Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey stock, 149 resignation, 1097 Semenik, J. A., degree, 1221 election, 286, 1042, 1189 Semi-conductors, development and producexecutive secretary of commission to contion,, contract, 236 duct hearing on wage rates at Robert Semones, Mrs. Myra L-, appointment, 743 Allerton Park, 405 Sen, A. K., appointment, 374, 881 notification of Board members of actions Sen, S., degree, 261, 1197 of Executive Committee, 242 fellowship, 980, 1193 pro tempore, appointment of A. J. Janata, Senate, State, legislation, air navigation facili402 ties, appropriation, 529 reports, 33, 93, 152, 179, 226, 250, 301, appropriation bills for 1949-1951-, 526 336, 372, 422, 508, 829, 924, 954, 975, Certified Public Accountant regulations, 1004, 1052, 1085, 1134, 1190 530 signature, delegation, 287, 1043 civil service amendments, 529 facsimile, 287, 1043 Illinois Insurance Code, amendment, 528 Securities, United States Government, exIllinois Surgical Institute for Children, change, 825 education for patients, vetoed by Security Office, budget, 549, 739 Governor, 528 Sedeen, A. F., degree, 1237 inventory control of state-owned propSeder, A. G., degree, 275 erty, 529 Seder, Mrs. Sylvia V., appointment, 805 payments to local governments in lieu of Sedgwick, G. H., degree, 1225 Sedgwick, J. H., degree, 1236 real estate taxes, 528 Sedgwick Machine Works, purchase, 481 Retirement System, appropriation, 529 See. M. J., Jr., degree, 275 reciprocity, 529 Seeberger, G. W., degree, 1030 School Code, amendment, 528, 529 Seed, L., appointment, 58, 879 vetoed by Governor, 529 Seegren, N. W., degree, 278 State Finance Act, amendment, 528 Seehausen, Phyllis J., degree, 454 steam heating plant in Medical Center Seehausen, R. F., degree, 464 District, vetoed in part by Governor, Seeley, N. L., certificate, 1035 529 Seeling, E. R., degree, 1242 Senear, F. E., appointment, 68 r Seely, Elizabeth A., degree, 859 Seneca Petroleum Co., purchase, 901 Seely, F. B., appointment, 618 Seneco, W. \V., certificate, 1035 Seely, P., degree, 468 Senesac, J. E., degree, 1030 Seevak, S., degree, 1024 Senesac, Narda, appointment, 744 Sefcik, E, S., appointment, 773 Seng, O. A., degree, 270 Sefcik, Mrs. Mary.P., appointment, 774 Senger, F. B., Jr., appointment, 384, 646 Sefershayan, G. R., degree, 453 degree, 854