UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1459]

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Shay, F. J. R., Jr., degree, 270 Shay, K. L., degree, 460 Shay, Mary L., appointment, 563 Shay man, D., degree, 457 Shea, E. W-, degree, 276 Shea, Mrs. Nellie, appointment, 783 Sheaff, H. M., appointment, 48, 869 Shealy, Y. F., degree, 930 Shear, R. W., degree, 1232 Shearburn, D. E., degree, 1235 Shearer, Enola E., degree, 438 Shearer, Marjorie L., degree, 1238 Shearouse, H. G., Jr., degree, 854 Shechter, J., degree, 468 Sheckler, H. D., degree, 1020 Shedd, C. D., certificate, 133 Shedd, T. C , appointment, 378, 608, 1141 Sheean, J „ purchase, 62, 63, 232, ,280, 352, 354, 394, 1164 Sheehan, D. J., Jr., degree, 1242 Sheehan, E., degree, 1222 Sheehan, E. F., appointment, 781 Sheehan, P. B. t degree, 1238 Sheemoon, Virginia, degree, 446 Sheep Barn, sanitary facilities, installation, appropriation, 1181 Sheet metal work, minor alterations, standing contract, 18 Sheets, L. L., degree, 274 Sheets, R. L., degree, 1207 Sheets, W. G., degree, 1247 Sheffer, G. V., degree, 268 Sheffler, P. W., degree, 470, 1247 fellowship, 43 resignation, 156 Sheffner, A. L., fellowship, 513 Sheinin, J. J., gift, 912 Sheira, A. Z. A., degree, 260 Sheiry, Vannie L., appointment, 738 Shelby Motor Co., purchase, 234 Shelden, Miriam A., appointment, 546 leave of absence, 818, 946 Shelden, Patricia J., degree, 1216 Sheldon, Barbara I., degree, 465 Sheldon, E. H., & Co., contract, 1003 purchase, 902, 1038, 1116 Sheldon, T. W., degree, 1018 Sheldon, Mary, fellowship, 107 Shelford, V. E., appointment, 571 Shellabarger, F. D., degree, 126 Shell Fellowship Committee, gift, 166, n 66 Shell Oil Co., purchase, 235, 480, 982, 984, Shellow, H., appointment, 681 Shelly, G. N., degree, i o n Shelton, J. W., fellowship, 427 Shelton, R. E., appointment, 387, 5*2, 641, Shelton, S. K., degree, 1231 Shemerdiak, L., degree, 473 Shen, Elizabeth H,, appointment, 512 degree, 430 Shen, Y., degree, 437 fellowship, 342 resignation, 958 Shepard, H. E., degree, 1028 Shepard, J. C , degree, 1030 Shepard, L. L., degree, 449 Shepard, S. H., degree, 1234 Shepard, W. W., degree, 1242 Shepherd, A. D., degree, 276 Shepherd, Doris P., degree, 863 Shepherd, Lucille, appointment, 798 Sheppard, K. R., degree, 457 Sheppard, Marilyn O., degree, 457 Shepro, M. J., appointment, 695 Sherard, T. W., degree, 1242 Sherburne, R. J., degree, 863. Shere, Mrs. Marie O., appointment. 388, 570, Sherer, H. C , Jr., degree, 1200 Sherertz, W. D., degree, 447 Sheridan, D. E., degree, 128

1054, 1150




Sheridan, J. E., degree, 278, 1012 Sheriff, Marion G., degree, 272, 852 Sherk, P. M., fellowship, 1095 Sherman, George, degree, 1033 Sherman, Guy, Jr., degree, 278 Sherman, H., degree, 1010 Sherman, Mrs. Irene C , appointment, 689 Sherman, M. E., degree, 1225 Sherman, Maya, degree, 458 Sherman, N. H., degree, 1247 Sherman, 0 . G., Jr., degree, 126 Sherman-Reynolds, Inc., purchase, 352, 1261 Sherrard, Dorothy M., degree, 1231 Sherrick, J. N., degree, 856 Sherrington, P. W., degree, 1033 Sherritt. G. W., degree, 932 Sherrod, T. R., appointment, 687 degree, 1245 Shertz, L. P., appointment, 743 Sherwin, C. W., appointment, 616 Sherwood, P. K., degree, 850 Sherwood, W. S., degree, 1244 Sheuring, J. J., appointment, declination, 46 resignation, n o Shewalter, J. B., degree, 278 Shick, W. L., appointment, 612 cancellation, n o Shideler, E. H., appointment, 838 Shield, Jennie E., degree, 113 Shields, Barbara J., appointment, 103 Shields, Chariene H., degree, 438 Shields, D. J., degree, 930 Shields, Mrs. Mary G., appointment, 103 Shields, P. T., degree, 852 Shields & Co., bid, 886 Lincoln Avenue Residence reveune bonds, sale, 211 Shiels, J. A., degree, 1215 Shilrin, R. G., degree, 1247 Shigemura, Y., degree, 1229 Shih, C , degree, 119 fellowship, 342 Shiley, E. 1)., degree, 1229 Shimazu, S. D., degree, 1206 Shimek, J. L., appointment, 425, 627 Shimer, R. A., degree, 865 Shiner, M., degree, 461 Shinn, R. P., Jr., degree, 1020 Shinneman, D. A., appointment, cancellation, no Shinosaki, G-, degree, 1216 Shiohara, Mary Y., degree, J225 Shiota, T., degree, 1013 Shipkowitz, N., degree, 271 Shipley, Anna J., degree, 113 Shipley, E. E., appointment, 757 Shipley, Edna D., degree, 440 Shipley, J. R., appointment, 636, 1139 degree, 847 member of committee to administer Department of Art, 2 Shipley, W. E., degree, 162 Shipman, C. T., appointment, 772 Shippers Fuel Corp., purchase, 953 Shirk, S. E., certificate, 1046 Shirley, Nettie V., degree, 120 Shirley, R. L., appointment, 747 Shirley, Virginia, appointment, 664, 1088 Shirman, O., certificate, 206 Shissler, E. G., degree, 1020 Shklair, Anne, degree, 270 Shklair, I. L., degree, 850 Shkolnik, S., appointment, 698 Shmigelsky, Irene, appointment, 56, 103 Shmikler, G., degree, 278 Shoemaker, C. E., degree, 430 Shoemaker, Mrs. Charlotte, appointment, 736 Shoemaker, G. L., degree, 258 Shoemaker, G. O., Jr., degree, 447 Shoemaker, H. H., appointment, 571 Shoemaker, Hazel L., degree, 861 Shoemaker, O. L., & Co., purchase, 394 Shoemaker, R, M., degree, 1023