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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 83 College of Agriculture Agreement with the Illinois State Electric Association and the Central Illinois Public Service Company for an investigation of the use of electricity in agriculture. A total of $13,300 was received for this work. The investigation was completed September I, 1928, but the results are still to be published by the University. From the Illinois Canners' Association the sum of $3,000 a year for a period of five years for investigational work in cannery crops. There are no restrictions regarding the use of the money, except that $300 a year is used in payment of rent of a tract of land leased by the Association for the use of the Department of Horticulture in connection with these investigations. This agreement was started in 1923 and expires in 1929. The Canners' Association does not propose to renew it. Several of the departments carry on cooperative projects with various divisions of the United States Department of Agriculture. COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS, ENGINEERING EXPERIName of Investigation T STATION, O C T O B E R 1, 1928 of Contract by MEN Boardof Execution Date of Trustees Boiler Feed Water Treat- Utilities Research May 17, 1924 Cooperating Agent Commission ment Extension, June 14, Utilities Research Ageing of Porcelain 1926 Commission Car Axle Failures Extension, June 14, Utilities Research 1926 Impact with Steel StrucCommission Extension, June 14, tures Utilities Research 1926 Methods of Testing High Commission Extension, June 14, Voltage Cables Utilities Research 1926 Fissures in Steel Rails Commission May 23, 1928 Prevention of Corrosion by Utilities Research May 23, 1928 Flue Gas Commission May 23, 1928 Water Treatment for Ice Utilities Research Making Commission June 29, 1928 Methods of Heating Utilities Research June 12, 1928 Asphalt Commission Effects of Products of Utilities Research Combustion on Quality Commission October 16, 1928 of Enamel Utilities Research Methods of Eliminating Commission October 17, 1918 Stretching of Lead Utilities Research Sheaths Commission October 4, 1919 W a r m Air Furnaces and National Warm Air Furnace Heating Heating Association Fatigue Phenomena of Engineering Foundation, Metals National Research Drying of Clay Wares November 19, 1925 Council, General ElecMarch 9, 1926, Steam and Hot Water tric Company, Extended, July 19, Heating Western Electric, etc. 1927 National Brick Manufacturers' Association April 20, 1927 Investigation of Feldspars National Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers' Association and Illinois Master Plumbers' Association Golding Sons' Company of Trenton, N e w Jersey
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