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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

84 Enameling of Sheet Steel BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 16 M a y 21, 1927 Ingram-Richardson Manufacturing Co. May 2i, 1927 Cast Iron Enamels Research Bureau on Cast Iron Enamels (representing nine October 12, 1927 Cast Iron Pipe manufacturies) Sectional Committee on Cast Iron Pipe (Organized under Procedure of American Engineering Standards Committee Boiler Furnace RefracApril 12, 1928 with 4 National Assotories ciations) March 13, 1928 Biaxial Stresses American Society of April 12, 1928 Riveted Connections Mechanical Engineers Chicago Bridge and Manufacture of Illinois Iron Works Gas' American Society of Concrete Arch Investiga- Chicago Bridge and Civil Works Iron Engineers tion2 American Railway EnIllinois Gas Association Tests of Large Rollers2 gineering Association This report w a s received for record. PRESIDENTS UNIVERSITY LECTURE FUND (17) A request for an appropriation from the Reserve and Contingent Fund of $1,500 for University lectures under the immediate direction of the President of the University. O n motion of M r . Trees, this appropriation was m a d e , by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, M r . Barr, M r s . Busey, M r s . Evans, M r s . Grigsby, M r s . Ickes, M r . Trees; no, none; absent, M r . Blair, Dr. Noble, M r . Small, M r . W a r d . ACTIVE SERVICE FOR DEAN DAVENPORT (18) A request for authority to call Dean Eugene Davenport back into active service for a period of service to end not later than June 30, 1929, on terms to be arranged. O n motion of M r s . Ickes, this authority w a s given. COOPERATIVE INVESTIGATION OF ILLINOIS COALS (19) O n recommendation of Dean Ketchum I recommend approval of an agreement with the Zeigler Coal and Coke Company of Chicago for a cooperative investigation of Illinois Coals, this investigation to cover twofields,viz: ( A ) Preparation and washability tests—to be carried on under the direction of the Alining Engineering Department. ( B ) Combustion tests—to be carried on under the direction of the M e chanical Engineering Department in the P o w e r Plant. O n m o t i o n of M r . Barr, this a g r e e m e n t w a s authorized. 'Money is contributed for the annual stipend of two Research Graduate Assistants who are employed in gas engineering research. *No formal contract; money is contributed as a gift to be expended without restrictions.
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