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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

82 board o f trustees [ N o v e m b e r 16 This agreement provided that tests be made on certain locomotives, under the direction of Professor E. C. Schmidt; that all results secured from the investigation be the property of the Engineering Experiment Station to be published as Station Bulletins or otherwise as determined by the Director of the Station; and that "the results also will at all times be open to the inspection and use of the representatives of the American Arch Company." The University agreed to contribute the use of its plant and such service of staff as m a y be necessary to the supervision of the work and the summarization of data. The American Arch Company agreed to provide the continued use of the locomotive and to supply funds for all supplies, to equip the locomotive with devices to be tested, provide service of m e n necessary to operate the locomotive and laboratory, to take readings and work up results. T h e Company agreed to make deposits in advance of actual expenditures. This agreement was approved by the Board. T h e other agreement, for locomotive feed-water heating, made similar provisions. This also was approved. So far as I have been able tofind,these were thefirstagreements for cooperative research. The above form of agreement appears to have been taken as a model for future agreements by the Engineering Experiment Station. At the meeting on July 17, 1918, a contract similar in its terms for cooperative work in heating and ventilation was approved. Another cooperative agreement of this kind with the United States Bureau of Mines was approved January 8, 1919. In February, 1921, Dean Richards published Engineering Experiment Station Circular No. 9 in which he set forth the general form of agreement for cooperative research and commercial tests. O n September 14, 1920, adjourned to September 28, 1920, and M a y 16, 1925 (page 230), the Board made a declaration of policy concerning certain kinds of research problems. This declaration of policy was published in the Extracts of the Board of Trustees published December, 1926, page 20. All agreements entered into since 1921 have followed the general form outlined by Dean Richards in his Circular No. 9, whether the proposed research was in engineering or some other line. COMMERCIAL TESTS At its meeting on March 12, 1918, the Board approved proposed regulations governing commercial tests submitted by the Comptroller after consultation with members of the Engineering staff. These regulations are printed in the Extracts from the Laws of the Board of Trustees, published December, 1926, page 18. REPORT ON COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS BEING CARRIED O N B Y T H E UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Chemistry Research work on the physiological effect of tartrates, established by the Calumet Baking Powder Company which provided $1,000 a year for this work. (Accepted October, 1926) Research work on the nature of detonation in internal combustion engines established by the Standard Oil Company of Indiana which provided $1,000 a year. (Accepted February, 1928) Geology Research on oil reservoirs in cooperation with the National Research Council and the American Petroleum Institute, which has furnished $4,600 for this work for the year beginning June 15, 1928. College of Medicine September, 1928) for an investigation $l,8oo per annum as hay fever, Eli Lillyetc. (Accepted Fellowship of of allergy, such provided by asthma, and Company
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