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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

804 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Swofford, M . L., degree, 720 Swope, E. O., degree, 233 Symons, G. E., appointment, 285 degree, 497 Symons, V. T-, appointments, 99. 396, 631 Syphon, Nicholson Thermic, investigation, 540, 562 Tables, Library, contract, 196 Tablet in A. E. F. Memorial Building, 403 Taft, D. R., appointments, in, 293, 643 Taft, E., degree, 240 Taft, L., Alma Mater group, location, 121, 138 acceptance for University, 162 appointments, 284, 633 honorary degree, 243 Honorary Lectureship Fund, 479 gifts, 479 Alumni Fund, 603 list of donors, 602 Trees, M . J., 612 receipt for securities, 612 rules governing, 613 Taggart, E. L., degree, 721 Taggart, V. R., degree, 220 Tait, A. A., certificate, 241 Talbot, A. N., appointments, 304, 654 Talbot, N. S., appointments, 332, 684, 685 salary, 44 Talbot tests, agreement, 84, 116, 540 Tallent, J. M., degree, 62 Tallent, W . J., degree, 62 Tanenbaum, V. B., degree, 243 Tanner, F. W., appointments, 109, 284, 501, 634 Tanner, O. F., degree, 230 Tanny, M., degree, 734 Target range, appropriation, 93 Tarnowsky, G. de, appointments, 344, 696 Tarpley, K. J., appointments, 289, S25, 638 Tarpley, R. E., degree, 407 Tarry, G. W., degree, 63 Tartrates, physiological effect, 82 Tarvin, D., appointment, 286 Tarvin, F. S., degree, 220 Tarwain, J., degree, 723 Tascher, H., appointment, 66 Tascher, M . E.t degree, 227 Tate, C. E., degree, 73 2 Tate, K. C , degree, 409 Taubeneck, G. F.r degree, 710 Tawney, G. A., appointments, 597, 641 Taylor, A. D., degree, 227 Taylor, H., appointments, 299, 648 Taylor, James S., certificate, 733 Taylor, John S., degree, 130 Taylor, M . D., appointment, 41 Tebow, D.fromA.,686budget,734335,Bell332, 366,60s Temple, K.714 commission, 656 536 TelegramWE.E. station 45240 725 gift, Teague, S.,CB.,degree, in130 expense,681 Teach, T.Drawing,degree,223with 436 52, 684 Taylor, H..715F.,commission,725335, 687Telephone Tennant, Cables, TenBrook,716 S., Corporation, Templeton,J., 542degree,Library, Telephone C,E.,Governor734 396, Teitelbaum,G., degree, 227 Teeters, R.Productsagreement 304 687 Tennessee R., appointments, Technical pay appointment, degree, AM degree,499 contract, D., appointments, salary, L., appointment, Company, M M., P. F., F. F-, installed, 232 certificate, 226 334, , L. 723 Gardner, * Summerfield, M . C , appointments, 140, 309, 316, 318, SOS Summers, A. M., degree, 72s Summers, A. W., gift, 149 Summers, B. F., appointments, 288, 638 Summers, C. R., degrees, 62, 45 S Summers, W . L„ appointments, 321, 671 leave of absence, 158 Summerville, M . J., appointments, 330, 349, 697 degree, 347 Summit, P. M., degree, 496 Sun, C. F., degree, 222 Sun, O. L., degree, 498 Sunday sports, petition for, 538 granted, 564 Sunday work in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, 450 Superstructure, greenhouses, contract, 87 Supervising Architect, budget, salary, 282, 631 summary, 630 Supervision and High School Instruction, budget, expense, 297, 647 salary, 298, 648 Superintendent of Business Operations, budget, summary, 630 Suppiger, E. W., appointments, 395, 654 Surety companies, information on, 460 report, 57s Surgery, budget, expense, 327, 678 salary, 331, 683 clinical faculty, 344, 696 purchase of radium, 158 safe for storage of, 4.48 Surgical Institute for Crippled Children, future operation, 198 Surgical materials, Bauer and Black Fellowship, 60s Survey, School of Pharmacy, 431 balance reappropriated, 614 Surveys, State, patent policy, 148 SurwiU. S., degree, 225 Susinan, L„ degree, 501 Suter, D. A., degree, 230 Sutherland, S. H., appointments, 244, 290, 640 Sutherlin, K. J., appointment, 321 Sutin, L. R., degree, 220 Sutton, A. H., appointments, 289, 639 Sutton, D. E., degree, 223 Sutton, J. L,, degree, 713 Sutton, L. A., appointments, 548, 654 Svendsen, M . O., degree, 61 Swain, J. O., appointments, 180, 293, 503, 642 Swain, J. W., appointments, no, 290, 640 Swain, P. B., degree, 714 Swann, S., Jr., appointments, 305, 654 Swine, R.,E.,L.degree,studies, 548, Swigart, T.Penn,F., of of,226723 33 Swift, MV.Sisterdegree,Hall,234 289, Swertfeger,MH.,F.,.degree,39080635 Swenson, E.F.appointments, 333, 281,261 Sweet, C.E.E.,W.,degree,degree,113 685638 Sweeney,.B.appointments,232 223278, 697 Swearingen,347iE.,degree,240contract,626 Swannell,D.H.,commission,1040657641638 629 Switchboard,M.,498degree,286, Swisegood,226M.,degree,717 Swinford, H.B. degree,226 723 Sweney, J.D.,appointments, Swartz,publication appointment, Swanson, M M., B.,insurance, 289, Switches, D. E. degree,131 degree, G.,E.,Mappointments, degrees,F. .E.,F., appointments, P. V., giftdegree, D. L., appointments, C. G., scholarship, . Lincoln 59 E., E.,
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