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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 803 Stine, F. B„ degree, 223 StreetB, cont'd. Stinaon, M . M., 235 University Avenue, paving of, 51, 124, 582 Stiteley, C. F., degree, 712 width, 600 Stitt, L. L., degree, 717 White, see Main Street Stiven, E. C-, degrees, 229, 723 Wright, paving of, 433. 454. 5*9. $28, 583 Stiven, F. B., appointments, 112, 321. 671 resolution concerning relocation, 529 Stobbe, R. M., degree, 710 amendment, 541 Stock, C. M-, degree, 712 sidewalks, contract, 269, 383 Stockholders in Buswell process, 589 Streets through campus, report, 124 Stocking, H. F., appointments, 328, 525, 680 Streicher, M . H., appointments, 329, 681 Stocking, M., degree, 220 Streptococcus epidemicus toxins in milk, 45 r Stoevener, L. B., degree, 388 contract, 477 Stoever, H. J., appointment, 306 receipt of funds, 512 degree, 729 Stresses, biaxial, 84 Stoltey, R. W., degree, 220 Stretcher, G. M . I., degrees, 220, 727 Stone, A. Rendle, appointment, 41 Stretching of lead sheaths, elimination of, 53, 63, Stone, Arthur Robert, C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 88, 540 Stone, D. P., degree, 130 Striegl, F. R., degree, 132 Stone, E. O., degree, 230 Strockbine, H., degree, 717 Stone, F, D., certificate, 241 Strofs, P., certificate, 733 Stone, F. L>, appointments, 345. 697 Strohecker, M., degree, 131 Stone, I. M., degree, 731 Strohl, E. L., degrees, 240, 408 fellowship, 160 Strom, C. W-, appointments, 161, 168, 291 Stone, J. P., appointments, 41, 89 Stroud J. R., degree, 728 degrees, 230, 729 Strout, £>. E-, scholarship, 576 Stone, M . R., degree, 723 Strubinger, L. H., appointments, 316, 666 Stoolman, A. W., contracts, 87, 120, 189, 354, 483 extra-hazardous work, 260, 702 delay in starting work, 254 Struck, H. C , degrees, 221, 728 Storage houses, Horticulture, 6 Stuart, C. W., certificate, 24r Military Department, 93 degree, 243 Storchheim, F., appointments, 329, 349, 681 Stubbs, F. W., appointments, 301, 651 Stores and service departments, budget, 692 Stubbs, S. L., appointments, 283, 631 Storm drain, Lincoln Avenue, 582 leave of absence, 8 Story, H. K., degree, 220 Stuchlik, V. J., appointments, 334, 686 Stotler, K. W., degree, 223 Student autos, permits, 33* 74 Stott, L. H., appointments, 395, 642 Student houses, inspection, 151 Stouffer, E. L., appointment, 428 regulation, 267 Stoughton, R. W.t appointments, 286, 636 Student tribute to President Kinley, 602 Stoughton Street, 517 Student Welfare, standing committee, 166 Stout, I. D-, degree, 230 Students' English, Committee on, budget, salary, Stout, J. P., appointments, 356, 598 279, 627 Stout, L. M., appointment, 295 Students' Handbook, budget, 275, 623 Stout, S. L., degree, 243 Students' Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, gifts, Stout, W . H., degree, 712 196, 254, 549 Stoutemyer, E. M., degree, 710 Studley, V. L., degree, 60 Stoutenberg, L. E., appointment, 356 Stuebe, C. J., degree, 228 Strand, G., appointments, 525, 682 Stuessy, D. T., degree, 232 Strang, J. A-, degree, 723 Stull, H. C , degree, 723 Strano, H. V., degree, 408 Sturdyvin, L. W., degree, 61 Straub, F. G., appointments, 305, 655 Sturdyvin, M . A,, degree, 232 Canadian patent application, 269 Stuttle, A. F., degree, 226 foreign patent rights released, 248 Stuttle, F. L., certificate, 241 Straub, L, G., degree, 729 Stutzman, D. C., appointments, 299, 648 Straus, H. V., degree, 408 Sublette, M . H., appointments, 297, 646 Strauss, S., appointments, 342, 694 degree, 388 Streets,Street,of,assessment, 474.51, 124, 449 Street caropeningWof,of,582596contract, 449 448, 582 Sugar, P.,P.the109members, 422 292, Kaplan, 449 letter Street,pavingwagon, 492559 417, aroundfrompavingsidewalksAvenue4486269, 383 naming Illinois concerning, 440 GregoryStreet,2752McCaskrin, 417, Green Armorylunch474campus,of,5»5 Firstresolution,acrossextend,of, 568 College Avenue, 49251727assessment, Stoughton, lighting paving Springfield right441, 449, Pennsylvania, 515 582 517 Main, seeAvenue, paving 6, Harvey,tracks Field,appropriation, Fourth of,of 530 of, Burrill Place, Avenue, Romine,Drive, 436, Mathews,paving . to 454 Maple, 474G. of, ownership401, removalAvenue, name, vacation of, width, 600 proposed Burrill Pennsylvania resolution Suleeba,inSession,certificate, 733312, 662 648 Suit reportF.D.,„382464 718 Mrs.299, 642580 586 Sullivan,iqzq, , University, Sullins, byMMusic,appointments,332 Sullens,C E.absence, 182 balance 48 of,695 Suldane,P.I. A.,degree, 726 director,561, Sudduth,balanceH.,732 instruction r, 505, Summer ofA. E. appointment, 614 work ME. N., degree, 220 leave ,C, P., reappropriated, reappropriated, fees, R, M appointments, degree,J.contract appointed B. Cameron, R., 1929, 499 staff, C. H., for 710 1930, 240 againstof, jpjo, . K,, 271 501 retired degree, .C G., V., P., Z., 228 232
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