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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Tenney, H. M., degree, 710 Tenney, R. L., degree, 130 Tennis, on Sunday, petition, 538 granted, 564 permission to construct courts, 575 Tepper, F., degree, 734 Term of President of University, 580, 590 Terman, L. A., degree, 240 Terra cotta vases, use in landscaping the campus, 617 contract, 618 Terry, H. P., degree, 236 Terry, M . K., degree, 220 Terry, R. E., appointments, 334, 687 Testing high voltage cables, 83 agreement extended, 541, 598 Testing machine contract, 144 Tests, commercial, 7 employees' insurance, 116 report, 81 See also under Agreements Tests of large rollers, 84 Thacker, E. A., degree, 732 Thaisen, L. H., degree, 723 Thayer, E. B., degree, 35 Thayer, J. C , certificate, 733 degree, 734 Theater Guild, Illini, gift, 545 Thefts, Military Department, 450 pistol, 703 rugs, 567 platinum, 199 Thein, A., appointment, 289 Theiss, E. L,., appointments, in, 295, 645 Thenaud, F. P. G., appointments, 293, 642 Theobald, J. J., appointments, 345, 697 Theobald, M . E., degree, 710 Theobald, W . H., appointments, 345, 697 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, budget, expense, 300, 649 salary, 304, 654 Thermic Syphon, Nicholson, investigation, 540 Thermolier, gift of, 606 Thesis course, required for J. D. degree, 245 T hi esse, R, F., degree, 228 Tho, S. H., degree, 499 Thomas, C. A., degree, 229 Thomas, C. E., commission, 234 degree, 232 Thomas, C. J., agreement to use orchards, 249 contract, 253 proposed contract, 187 Thomas, C. L., degree, 34 Thomas, E. J., degree, 236 Thomas, F. H., appointments, 302, 652 Thompson,Treleaven,commission,3g6317, 667 Thomas, J. D.,E., Jr., Mdegree, 312,in, 295, 296, statement,P.,A., appointments, 66,643 650 degree,V. C. F., appointment,408 654 696 scholarship,74646,degree, 222 305, 684, See alsoM-,W.,appointments, 294, 656 635 297, L. F.appointment, 62 306, 683 R. H. L., degree, 220 344, 286, H.E. R., appointments, 725 301, M715B.,M., degree, 233 331, F. L. D., appointments,41, 644, 160 647.60 713 727JT, Jr., 220672 .P. E., J.,W., L., appointments, CI., degree, 220711 M., appointments, R degree, 716 R., 805 Thomson Phosphate Company, contract, 161 gift for research, 135 Thor, A, U., appointments, 310, 660 Thorek, P., certificate, 733 Thornberry. H. H., appointments, 3r6, 666 Thornborrow, W . T., commission, 234 degree, 225 Thornburgh, J. M., degree, 232 Thornburn, J. N., degree, 228 Thornes, H. F., appointment, 625 degree, 499 Thornhill, W . R., degree, 237 Thornsburgh, V, L., degree, 500 Thornton, E. B., degree, 409 Thornton, I. S., degree, 734 Thorp, F., Jr., appointments, 312, 661 Thrall, A. L., degree, 230 Thrasher, M . E., degree, 220 Thumley, E. L., degree, 232 Tibbetts, H. N., degree, 232 Tichenor, B., degree, 726 Tiebout, A. M., degree, 220 Tien, C. C , degree, 731 Tien, H. P., degree, 225 Tigay, C. D., appointments, 66, 343, 695 Tikotzky, E., degree, 243 Tile roof, Dairy Barns, contract, 120 Tillotson, L. E., appointments, 287, 636 Time, Incorporated, advertising in Alumni News, 520 Timm, J, A., degree, 723 Timmons, B. F., appointments, 396, 503, 643 Tin cans, sanitary, contract for purchase of, 94 gift, 45o Tindall, E. L., commission, 234 degree, 226 Ting, H. P., degree, 408 Tingley, C. B,, degree. 723 Tingley, F. T., appointment, 396 degree, 238 Tinsky, T., appointments, 335, 687 Tintinger, M . E,, degree, 710 Tippy, K, C , appointments, 244, 306, 655 Titt, E. W., fellowship, 160 Tjardes, R., degree, 717 Tobias, C- E., degree, 243 Tobias, H. J., degree, 710 Tobiasz, A. E., degree, 733 Tobiasz, O. I., degree, 733 Tobie, J., degree, 407 Tobin, R. P., degree, 228 Tobin, W . W „ certificate, 241 Tockstein, L. A., degree, 232 Tod, I., appointments, 282, 630 Todd, E., appointments, 299, 649 ToxinsL.,paper,J., cooperative 125, 327, Townsend,degree,degree,721233investigation, Towels,welding,degree, 237721epidemicus 679 Torrey,H.M.,A.,certificate,220333, 289, 639in 358, Tolman,MT.M.,178appointments,304. 653640 milk, Toynton, E.appointments, Toth, Torticil, meats, degree, Toriello, 477,M-, appointments, Torch, L.A.,H., 232 238 Toothaker,theM.,degree,34 Toomey, .N.,appointment, Tomlin,ofMC.A.degree, 118 640 Tomczak,A., ].,appointments, Toman,inF.,G.,A., appointments, Tolo, E.E.,S-,degree,225 241 2go, Toll,451.J.D.M.,degree,220 596 685 Toler,H,A.A.degree, 727 232 Tornquist, L. 160 Toland, G., streptococcus scholarship, 512 retirement, degree, 220 404 J., purchase, , degree, 723 gift,
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