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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 787 Natural History Museum, appropriation, 447 Nicholson, Dale G-, degree, 228 budget, expense, 283, 633 Nicholson, Douglas G., degree, 722 salary, 294, 641 Nicholson, H. P., appointments, 40, 303, 653 Natural History Library, salary of librarian, 346 Nicholson, J. A., appointments, no, 292, 641 Natural Resources and Conservation, Board of, Nicholson Thermic Syphon, investigation, 540, 562 patent policy, 148 Nickell, M . L., appointment, 280 well drilling problems, 148 degree, 720 Navin, S. J., degree, 33 Nickerson, A. J., appointments, 304, 654 I Nickerson, F. C , commission, 234 Neal, L. A., certificate, 241 Nearpass, E. E., appointments, 284, 633 degree, 224 Nearpass, L. B., degree, 409 Nickol, E., degree, 233 Neave, S. L., appointment, 140 Nickoll, G. H., degree, 715 Canadian patentrightsreleased, 269 Nicol, W . H., degree, 406 foreign patentrights,released, 247 Nicolet, I » appointment, 313 . Nebeck, H. J., degree, 226 degree, 408 Nedwed, J. J., degree, 713 Nicoll, J. M., degree, 60 Nedzel, A. J., appointments, 153, 394, 682 Nieburger, M . E„ degree, 498 change in status and salary, 508 Niederhon", A. E., degree, 715 Neely, V. N. E., degree, 408 Niederman, S. A., degree, 220 Neeseman, A. C , degree, 731 Niednagel, A. D., degree, 227 Neil, H. C , degree, 713 Nielsen, L. M., degree, 722 Neis, J., degree, 232 Nielsen, P. E-, appointment, 302, 651 Nelsch, W . R., commission, 724 Nieman, A. A., degree, 221 degree, 715 Nieman, A. R., degree, 409 Nelson, A. R., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Nieman, P. W., degree, 243 Nelson, B. G., appointment, 684 Nierenberg, L. D,, degree, 243 degree, 733 Nimmo, G, L-, degree, 711 Nelson, C. H., degree, 410 Nimsovitz, I. M., degree, 731 Nelson Concrete Culvert Company, contract, 120 Niswonger, C. R., appointment, 296 Nelson, D. E-, degree, 220 Nitrate nitrogen, cooperative investigation, 197 Nelson, E. K., commission, 234 Nitrate of soda, cooperative investigation, 248 degree, 226 Nitzberg, R. H., degree, 734 Nelson, F., appointment, 326, 677 Nixon, J., appointment, r68 Nelson, F. W., commission, 234 Noble, M . J., appointments, 288, 638 degree, 223 Noble, V. H., degree, 409 Nelson, H., degree, 714 Noe, E. S., degree, 715 Nelson, H. M., appointments, 394, 680 Noel, E. B., degree, 407 Nelson, H. W., appointment, 656 Noggle, W . L-, degree, 720 degree, 711 Nolan, A. W., appointments, 112, 299, 577, 649 Nelson, I. V., degree, 710 Noll, M . V., appointments, 533, 663 Nelson, M . A., degree, 720 Nolting, G. E., degree, 61 Nelson, O. W., degree, 499 Non-Illinois students, scholarship requirements, Nelson, P., degree, 730 472 Nelson, R. C , certificate, 241 Non-recurring appropriations, special, 336, 693 Nelson, S. E., appointments, 288, 637 Nordstrom, J. E., degree, 220 Nelson, T., appointments, 577, 695 Normal, sale of Carter-Pennell property, 70 Nereim, T. J., degree, 731 Norman, E. J., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Nesbitt, R. S., degree, 222 Norman, P. M., appointment, S33 Nesbitt, W . W., degree, 717 degree, 709 Nester, H. G., appointment, 140 Norman, V. C , degree, 499 Netzow, N. M.t degree, 220 Normand, J. F., appointment, 654 Neuber, A. L., appointments, 279, 627 degree, 709 Neuman, K., C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Norris, F. H., degree, 36 Neurology and Psychiatry, budget, expense, 327, Norris, M . L., degree, 709 678 Norris, R. E., appointments, 291, 502 Newberger,.representative182, 730671650503, 667 Nowack,L,129appointments, 168, 640 664 686 Nevens,C.WL.,,CL.,degree,7347Board161, 294 645 Novak,House,I.,appointments,713277, 624317,49 Newton,O.336K L., 344, 731a 333. Newman,C.R., „appointments, 576 Newey, H..absence,appointments, 317,666, Newell, of727„,degree, 60 717 345, meetings, 531 Noyes,R.R-degree, 232232133 427, buildings, 646, Newcomer,,.329,degree,220at3941312,697 Newcomb,faculty,scholarship, 702686 662 Neville,H.H.D.,O., work,131 227300,296, Nichols, R. M., degree, 696 Nichol, M.,CB., ,appointment, Neystrom, G.H.,degree,222 Newspaper L., degree, 220 427 Newcombe,G., appointments, 316, degree,E. J. degree,220 leave W H. Jr., degree, clinicalJ. HCE., appointments, extra-hazardous degree, salary, B., 681 2 60 W C. M A., appointments, C appointments, B., 5 H., appointments, Nursery,L.B.,591telegram239 46310,333, 536 Null. L.S.666M.,degree,232586 332, 394, 684, Nulf, J.J.,for, 185 409 Noyes A.O.,lease, needs, Nowell, J„C.J.,degree, 225 Noss, E., AM University, 325 Norwood,W.,appointments, Norvell,MM.,J.,degree, 227 Norton,WE.E.,241Jr., degree, Northwesterndegree, 227717 governor, Northam,.onL-,appointments, 40, North,Carolina,appointments, 296, 660 North E.H.,appointment, medical 309, Norris, F.plandegree,519, from285, 634 degree,A.A., degree, certificate, D.,degree, fellowship, building hearingR-, 659, 728 B. I.,
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