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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

788 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Nusbaum, R. E.t appointments, 303, 427, 504* 656 Oliver, W . A,, appointments, 394, 651 degree, 238 Olkon, D. M., appointments, 329, 681 Nusspickel, M . C , appointments, 470, 644 Olmstead, A. T. E., resignation, 245 Nutrition investigation, publication of report, 7 Olsen, C. T\, appointments, 153, 330 Nutt, H. W., appointments, 112, 504 Olsen, R. R., degree, 240 Nuttall, N., degree, 220 Olsen, W . R., degree, 712 Nylander, V. T., appointments, 333, 685 Olson, B. M., degree, 722 Nysewander, C. W., degree, 711 Olson, E. E., degree, 132 Oak, purchase, 596 Olson, F. C , appointments, 312, 317, 661, 667 Oakes, H F., degree, 240 Olson, G. F., degree, 60 Oakley, C. O., degree, 240 Olson, H. E., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Oakley, H. D., degree, 499 Olson, M . E., degree, 713 Oakwood, T. S., degree, 711 Olson, R. C , C. P. A. certificate. 479 Oathout, A. M., appointments, 314, 664 Olson, R. E., degree, 224 degree, 234 Olson, S. M., appointments, 40, 292, 641 Obert, D- D. W., degree, 228 Olwin, J. H., commission, 234 O'Brian, R. G., degree, 715 degree, 220 O'Brien, G. F., appointment, 98 O'Meara, C. M., degree, 232 Obstetrics and Gynecology, budget, expense, 327, O'Neil, D. D., degree, 34 678 O'Neil, M . A., degree, 722 salary, 330, 681 O'Neil, W . J., degree, 712 clinical faculty, 345, 696 O'Neill, C. P., certificate, 241 purchase of radium and insurance, 158 O'Neill, M. H., degree, 498 balance reappropriated, 271 O'Neill Construction Company, bond, 607 safe for storage of, 448 contract, 594 Ocenasek, J. J., appointments, 335, 687 O'Neill, W , L,, stockholder in Buswell process, O'Cock, E. L., commission, 234 590 degree, 227 O'Neill, W . W., degree, 499 O'Connell, L. R., degree, 220 Ongley, F. F., degree, 233 O'Connell, T. F., Jr., degree, 35 Onion seed, contract, 161, 561, 562 O'Conor, V. J., appointments, 344, 696 Opening of Main Street, 517 Oddsert, D. J., degree, 716 Operation, budget, suggested, 50, 51 Odell, C. W., appointments, 298, 299, 504, 648, 649Operation of Carter-Pennell Farms, 73, 433, 454 Odell, L. E., appointments, 394. 662, 667 Operative Dentistry, budget, expense, 332, 684 Oden, R. J. E., appointments, 140, 344, 696 salary, 333, 685 Oder, C. R. L., appointments, 244, 289, 639 Ophthalmology, budget, expense, 327, 678 O'Donnell, A. M., degree, 720 salary, 330, 682 O'Donnell, C. E., degree, 715 clinical faculty, 346, 698 refund of fees, 402 Opperman, V L., degree, 714 O'Donnell, F. D., certificate, 241 Optical service in Dispensary, 468, 511 O'Donnell, J. E., degree, 220 contract for, 546, $(>i, 586 O'Donnell, M., appointments, 89, 316 Option agreement, Buswell process, 550 O'Donnell, T. E., appointments, 300, 650 extended, 607 payment for services 271 declined, 6q8 Oehler, R., degree, 709 Oral Surgery, budget, expense, 332, 684 Oehmke, G. J., appointments, 303, 652 salary, 3 3 3. 685 Oeler, R. C , degree, 716 Orchards, purchase of spraying equipment, 543 Oelman, W . F., degree, 498 installed, 55? Oesterling, L. K., commission, 235 spraying experiment, 187, 249 degree, 225 Orencia. A. D. V. B., degree, 722 O'Farrell, R. W., degree, 228 Oregon Street Line across campus, 559 Officers of Board, delegation of signatures, 143, Organ, pipe, 365, 440 144 Organizations, membership in, budget, 275, 623 election, 142, 456. 536 Oriental Museum, budget, 283 Offices, budget, summary, 275 Oriental rugs, theft of. 567 O'Keefe,T.V.combinations, 713 Okada,P.appointment, 220 agreement, Ohio J-MI.F.L., degree, 709241Company, 642 Ogle,ElectricJ.,, Mound,on,333, 112, 636 Ogg, E.,J.A,degree,720713734no, 291, 323, Ogden-DicksonJ., appointments,685 640114 Ogden,E.,D.,degree,appointments, 292,gift, 545 Ogan,F.E.,,M.,anddegree,722241 ur,287,584 504, 673 Orland,F.P.J.,M.,certificate,80faculty,427, 683 Oltng, V. degree, degree, Olin, D.C C, .degree, 61 Olech,C.ofS.,X.,degree, 225 O'Leary, Mabsence, 158 appropriation, Oldfather,226C research 713 Old, L.R-,W.appointments, Okonski, C734degree,497634 Oil-sulphurL.,M., Controller82 Oil reservoirs,commission, 234 Oliver, W . appointments, Olive, B.,E., A., 347 Olander,. appointments, O'Grady, L., certificate, leave , certificate, degree, degree, Orthodontia,R.,appointments, Orth,J.R.J. A.,degree, 722 6$ 565 Orr, salary, H.,G.,degrees,709732 332, Orner,O.F.H.,degree,400241232 331, 509 Orndorff,E.,R.,267degree,220724 725 344, Orndoff,H.,D.appointment,220, 40, 647 Ornaments,.certificate,expense,297,294, 644 Orlovich.F.A.,appointment,641parts, 684 696 Oslund, fee,payable clinical Opgood, degree, degree, 233 Osgood. J. 333, 686 408 390 Osburn, S.,Surgery, 227 three Osborne,H.,C H.,degree,contract, Osborn, R. M,.statement, Orthopedic712B.,appointments, Osterman,H. budget, in Oster, M ,commission, Ossman, J. landscape, degree, fee tuition 715 special proceeds, courpc, R. degree, 233 E. C., 33 degree,
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