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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
786 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Murphy, D. H., degree, 71s Morrow, G. R., appointments, 145, 292, 641 Murphy, G., appointment, 73s Morrow, J. A., appointments, 282, 631 Murphy, F. G., appointments, 344, 696 salary, 2 Murphy, J. F., degree, 220 Morrow, M . M., degree, 725 Murphy, L. F., degrees, 35, 718 Morse, J. D., degree, 709 Murphy, L. J., certificate, 732 Mortgages, Hart, renewal, 255, 264 Murphy, L. V., appointment, 394 Kaiser, S., 704 Murphy, L. W „ appointments, in, 294, 644 Richards, C. W., 4 salary, 2 Mortimer, H. M., appointments, 680, 548 Murphy, R. C , degree, 718 degree, 347 Murphy, V. L., certificate, 732 Morton, J. L., degree, 60 Murphy, W . E., certificate, 241 Morton, M . B., degree, 127 degree, 220 Moser, B. E., degree, 709 Murray, L. A., Jr., fellowship, 575 Moser Paper Company, 543, 702 scholarship, 159 Mosgrove, L., appointments, 316, 533, 666 Murray, L. M., degree, 232 Mosher, K. W., commission, 234 Murrell, M . T., appointments, 287, 636 degree, 223 Mosher, M . L., appointments, 313, 318, 506, 663,Museum, 47 Classical, budget, expense, 283, 633 668 European Culture, budget, expense, 283, 633 Mosko, M . M,, degree, 731 Lincoln Hall, contract, 261 Motion picture films, rental of, contract, 253 use of free balance, 262 Motor car chassis, gift of, 438 material lost, reimbursement, 558 Motors, direct-current, gift of, 513 Medical, special equipment, balance reappropriMotor, electric, gift of, 545 ated, 614 Motors for filtration plant, purchase of, 5S7 Natural History, budget, expense, 283, 633 Moulton, J. M., appointments, 40, 294 salary, 294, 644 Mouzon, E. D., degree, 130 cases, appropriation, 447 Moving, appropriations, departments, 336, 440 Oriental, budget, 283 expenses of President Chase, 614 Music, School of, appropriations, 46, 597 Print Shop, 399 special, 336, 693 Movius, A. H., Jr., degree, 731 budget, salary, 321, 671 Mowatt, I. B„ degree, 722 fees, 251 Mower, G. R.f degree, 722 summer session, 464 Mowrey, M . A „ degree, 232 graduation requirements changed, 245 Moyer, D., appointments, 280, 628 purchase of organ, 440 Moyer, D. G., degree, 390 Smith scholarship, regulations changed, lis Moyer, M . E., degree, 230 Music Building, completion, 47 Moyer, W . W., degree, 497 Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, gifts to McKinley Mozumdar, M., degree, 238 Hospital, 196, 254, 549 Mrgudich, J. N., appointment, 636 Muus, O. H., certificate, 732 Mueller, A. E. A., scholarship, 160 Myer, E., degree, 242 Mueller, E. M., appointments, 427,639 Myers, A. O., degree, 714 degree, 220 Myers, G. W., gift, 149 Mueller, W . A., degree, 709 Myers, H. E., degree, 406 Muhl, P. O., degree, 723 Myers, H. J., degree, 709 Mullady, R. E-, degree, 715 Myers, J. H., degree, 709 Mullen, J. J., degree, 234 Myers, N. R., degree, 720 Mullen, M . D., degree, 232 Myers, O. E., degree, 711 Mullen, T. F., appointments, 348, 696 Myers, S. C , degree, 709 Mulligan, D. C , degree, 389 Myers, W., scholarship, 576 Mulliken, C. E., degree, 60 Mynard, F. H., Jr., commission, 234 Mullin, J. P., degree, 232 degree, 227 Mulvane, E. B., degree, 713 Nachtman, E., certificate, 243 Mulvane, O. E., appointments, 6s, 307 degree, 734 degree, 727 M udeath,D.J.,W.,degree.degrees,286, 502, 639 Mumford,668W,,appointments, 290,724 318, 505, Nadeau,L.,aradiationHeating giftsVentilating 454 Munson,H.227A.,extension226 277 310, Munro,O.S.M., degree, 715 153, 394, Munger,WE.H.,degree,709220 315, 266 660 Munch, J.G.J.,Cdegree,408715 234 664 636 Murdock, .R.A., degree,722 Muntz, A.407E., 357 722716 Munster, A.E., appointment, 227, MunB,,A.B.,2degree, commission,308, Muns,aL. F.F., degree, 409 Munnecbe,A.CA.,appointments, 283 728 Murison, CH.I., degree,406 Murhard, W714Jr., appointment, Munz, benefit, Jr., 71s 720 Murphy, E. of commission, Murphey, R.A., degree, forester, degree, V.,W., appointments. supervision , Jr., degree, , degree, m 658, „ salary, R. m Nagel,J.ofHeatingagreement,34633'.394, 441, conNational Producers200, 181,Pool, 13s 662703 Nahin,H.WG.lease,andonRadiator Manufacturers Nagrath,O.616degrees, Ventilating43*683 631 AsNagle, J.acids,certificate,226 and 394, research, 82 Nash, S.Research 47471sorganisms,401, NamingF.S.,E.,appointments, Association, 73,83, Nail, reservoirs,Aircertificate,83, Company, Nakamura,Streetsappointments, for NarowetzBrickJr., and Buildings, 365, degree,Avenue, Council, 311, amino T..on,492and 606 committeerCm,Manufacturers 241 oil585 133 contract, 479 effect E., I.,report, 83 BurrUl R.,degree, agreement extended, 562 sociation, 82 Association,degree, tract, Boilerappointments, resolution, 564 Feeder241 K., F.
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