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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

780 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lowe, L. R-, appointments, 288, 502 degree, 129 Lowe, V. S., degree, 709 Lowery, C , appointment, 277. 624 Lowes, G. F., degree, 709 Lowry, J. H., degree, 709 Lowry, K. J., degree, 714 Lowther, J. G.f appointments, 305, 655 Lubar, E. S., degree, 242 Lubar, W., degree, 242 Lucas, F. T., degree, 130 Lucas, H. J., appointment, 114 Lucas, R,, degree, 720 Luce, W . M., appointments, 153, 294, 643 degree, 130 Lucid, C. D., degree, 35 Lucius, N. T., certificate, 241 Ludlow, M., degree, 722 Ludolph, P. CM appointments, 65, 112, 304, 504, 653 degree, 238 Luethe, E. J., appointment, 89 Luke, W . F., degree, 499 Lukeman, E., appointments, 325* 675 Luley, A. F., degree, 235 Lumber, purchase, 596 Lumsden, W . K., appointments, 277, 625 Lunak, K. V., degree, 242 Lunch wagon, removal of, 440 Lundborg, E. M., degree, 720 Lundeberg, O. K., appointments, 39, 293, 642 Lundeberg, T. R., degree, 132 Lundgren, C. L., appointments, 112, 322, 504, 673 Lundgren, J. A., degree, 717 Lundmark, L-, gift, 10 Lundstrum, J. E., degree, 225 Luney, K. D., appointments, in, 296, 503, 646 Lunt, H. A., degree, 129 Lupian, J., degree, 734 Lupton, P. T., degree, 228 Luscombe, E. A., degree, 716 Lusted, S. W., degree, 498 Luster, O. A., degree, 60 Lustgarten, E. M., certificate, 732 Luther, J. M., degree, 500 Luther, R. M., degree, 235 Luther, W., appointments, 306, 655 Lutyens, M. W., degree, 709 Lutz, J. D,, degree, 709 Lybyer, A. H., appointments, 290, 639 Lycan, W . H., degree, 239 Lying-in fees, 600 Lyman, G. R., appointment, 257 Lynch, D. E., appointments, 75. 320, 670 Lynch, J. E.t degree, 226 McAfoos,T.715E.,degree,221219no, 344, 696 298, Lyne, K. E-,M.,G.,appointment, 281, 291, Lynch,A. F.F.,degree, 232 225718 631 629 642 McAlister,J.,M., bequest, 409 112, Lytle, R. B., .degree, 714 402 Lyon, G. M.,L„L.,degree,34226 646 525, McCartney,A. W., degree, McCarthy, S. appointment, McCann, ME-, appointments, 297, McAtee, R., degrees, 715 724 McArthur,E., .J.,degree,712 305 McAnulty,B.,B.,commission,609 McAllister,.W appointment, 129 426, McCarrey, R. degree, 233, McCall, W., M., degree, McCabe, R.L.,T., appointments, McBride, 648 degree, 709 degree, E. degree, 235 640, 236 S. W E. C. G. E., M. appointments 722 Little, E. E., appointment, 325 resignation, 446 Little, H. C , appointments, 319, 507 Little, N. L., degree, 498 Littleton, A. C , appointments, in, 295, 297, 645, 647 Littmann, E. R., degree, 239 Litwack, I. D., certificate, 241 Litwin, H., degree, 222 Liu, C , degree, 407 Livesey, D. E., degree, 709 Livezey, L. O., degree, 219 Living quarters of students, regulation, 267 Livingston, G. S., appointments, 345, 697 Livingston, P. C., commission, 724 degree, 709 Lloyd, B. A., degree, 711 scholarship, 575 Lloyd, J. W., appointments, 315, 665 Lo, S. L., degree, 225 Loan funds, Electrical Engineering Society, 45 securities, 122 Russell, 212, 434 Willis Prentice Kimble, 252 Lobraico, A. F., certificate, 241 Location of President's house, 454. 455- 469 Location of Woman's Gymnasium, 433 Lock, D. M., degree, 60 Lock, K. M., degree, 219 Lockard, E. N., appointments, 525, 638 Locke, A., appointment, 647 Locke, J. FM appointments, 146, 291, 641 Lockhart, G. E-, degree, 219 Locklin, D. P., appointments, 297, 503, 646 Lockling, W . B., appointment, 646 Lockwood, C. F., degree, 499 Locomotive Firebox Company, agreement, 540 contract, 562 Lodge, W . T., degree, 709 Loebs, E. M., appointments, 393, 651 Loekle, C E.F degree, 718 Loemker, K. K., appointments, 39, 292, 503, 642 Loewy, E. R., degree, 718 Logan, F. W., degrees, 181, 346 Logan, G. S., degree, 70? Logan, H. L,, Jr., commission, 234 degree, 223 Logeman, M., degree, 219 Lohmann, F. C., appointments, 282, 631 Lohmann, K. B., appointments, 315, 665 Long, G. A., degree, 734 Long, H., certificate, 732 Long, J. R., degree, 131 Long, P. F., degree, 722 Longley, R. G-, degree, 223 Loomis,E.E.,F.,appointments,328,696286, 653 Loss in, S.degree, 720 71730 266, Taft LoserT,WI.L.,crucible,725232 Art, work Loring, goldW.,H.,degree,on 344, 650 630636 Lorenz,TaftMR.F.,appointments,244,533, 646 LoradoC..founddegree,709388300,329, 303, Sunday Lopushansky,appointments,236426,580, on635 Lowe,E.,M.G.degree,159 35 Low,ofL.A., M.,degree,72s Love,A.H.L,W.,articles, Lounsbury,A.,degree, 237 Plant, Louis, C.450T., degree,434 242 Lough,E.O.absence,appointments, 680 Loucks,ofM.,Lectureship 709 Lost andC.V-,„68appointments, see Low Temperature Testing Loving, M., appointments, Lovewell, .C ,degree, 238 leave L.G.,appointments, resolution, J., degree, M W., degree,240 F.S., appointments,
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