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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS McCarty, J. W., degree, 714 McCarty, L. C , appointments, 288, 637 McCaskill, O. L., appointments, 321, 671 McCaskrin, G. W., letter, 568 McClain, E. M., degree, 710 McCIeery, W . E., degree, 722 McCIellan, G. B., appointments, 291, 641 McCIellan, H. F., degree, 219 McClelland, G. B., degree, 219 McClintock, A. R., commission, 234 degree, 232 McClintock, T. S., degree, 734 McClugage, H. W., degree, 715 McCIughen, F., appointments, 283, 631 McClure, D. J., degree, 232 McClure, F. J., appointments, 312 degree, 730 McClure, J. A., degree, 722 McClure, M . T., appointments, 291, 502, 641 McClure, N. B„ degree, 227 McClure, W . E-, degree, 232 McConatha, G., scholarship, 591 McConnell, E. J., appointment, 314 degree, 238 McConnell, H. L., degree, 232 McCool, D. C., Jr., certificate, 732 McCormick, A. T., degree, 219 McCormick, C , Jr., letter, 86 statement, 80 McCormick, C. C , degree, 728 McCormick, C. T., degree, 709 McCormick, E. D. G., degree, 130 McCormick, J. B., degree, 709 McCormick, L. A., degree, 716 McCormick, M . E., appointments, 39, 139, 276 McCormick, R. N., appointments, 39, 167, 294 McCowen, L., degree, 219 McCown, C. Y., degree, 716 McCoy, H. K., degree, 726 scholarship, 160 McCoy, M. A., degree, 718 McCrackin, R. H., degree, 456 McCray, H. L., degree, 228 McCristal, K. J,, appointments, 324, 675 commission, 234 degree, 233 McCrotty, W . R-, degree, 242 McCulloch, E. C , degree, 59 McCullough, H. E., appointment, 314 leave of absence, 352, 399 McCullough, J, \V_, degree, 131 McCutchen, E. M., degree, 712 McDaniel, C. D., degree, 225 McDaniel, L. R., degrees, 181, 346 McDaniel, P. H., appointment, 9S McGowan,R. P.,,degree, 709 219, McGovern,J.V.CF.,degree,499 408, 109 McGlothlln, WN.S.,,research 499 301, McGinty,E.H.CM.,appointment, 732 McGinnis,H.G.145appointments, 329, 479 McFadzean,F.L.degree, 131232131503 MacElhern,G.M.,B.,appointments, 720470, McEachern,WE.L.,Cdegree, A. 132 576725 gift, McDowell,709M.,P.,C.degree,fellowship, 650 583 McDonough,V..J.,certificate,229276, 624 680, 683 McGoldrick, McGeough, McGeoch, MacFate, McEvoy, P., degree, certificate, McEndarfer, . McEIroy, M.L., 128 McElroy, J., B., degrees,60 McDougall,V. S., degree,709 McDonald,absence,degree,722 McDevitt, D.J., degree, 219 241 McDavid, 243 A.,E.,scholarship, leave of resignation, degree, appointment, degrees, certificate, P. 132 78l McGrath, E. L., degree, 722 McGrath, E. M., degree, 720 McGreevy, C , appointments, 89, 278, 626 McGruer, E. M., degree, 720 McGuckin, G. M., appointment, 40 degree, 35 McGuigan, H. A., appointments, 331, 662 McGuire, L. P., degree, 236 McGuire, M . R., appointments, 345, 697 McHarry, E. L., degree, 717 McHarry, L. J., appointments, 112, 298, 504, 648 McHenry, J. S„ degree, 408 McHenry, P. R,, degree, 230 Mclntire, J. D., degree, 713 Mclntire, W . A., appointments, 311, 661 retired, 360 McKee, E. B., degree, 388 McKee, H. J., degree, 128 McKee, M . A., appointments, 319, 507, 669 leave of absence, 556 McKelvey, Frank H., appointments, 356, 598 McKelvey, Frederick H., degree, 709 McKelvey, L. W,, appointments, 288, 296, 503 McKenna, C. M., appointments, 344, 696 McKinlay, J. D., degree, 130 McKinley Endowment Fund, investments, 2,4,5 21 McKinley Hospital, see Hospital McKinley, L., degree, 726 McKinley Professorship Fund, investment, 2, 4, 386, 404, 522 gift of fellowships and scholarships, 563 McKinley, W . B.t portrait given, 366 McKown, P. R., degree, 724 McKin, C. L., degree, 388 McLain, E. L., appointments, 293. 643 MacLaren, C. M., appointment, 315 degree, 726 McLaren, E., degree, 232 McLarty, H. R., appointments, 180, 284 McLarty, V. K., degree, 730 McLaughlin, A. F,, certificate, 241 McLaughlin, J. R., appointments, 330, 682 McLean, G. W., degree, 718 McLellan, E. H., appointment, 577 McMackin, S. C , appointment, 40 McMahon, E. M., appointments, 285, 635 degree, 407 loss of gold crucible, 434 McMahon, G. R., degree, 709 McMahon, J. T. B., degree, 390 McMahon, M., degree, 710 McManus, J. L., degree, 410 McMillan, F. M., degree, 219 McMillan, J. M., degree, 59 MacMillan, M. A., degree, 709 MacNeil,G.H.,T.,degree,59232709294,325, 669 McMillan,L.WB.,.degree,degree,714316,507,676 Macdonald,N.H., degree,709 Mabie, .J., N., appointments, McWilliams, L., D.,bust,718 McVey, M. Lincoln degree, McRoherts,B., S.,certificate, McQueen, R. C appointments, MacPherson, WG., appointments, McNutt, O.J.B,,degree,60 241 McNeill, Sister , appointments, MacNeill,H.,M., .degree, 724347 McNeil, D.230E., L., appointments, McNair,M.409J.D.,degree,38S234 MacMurtrie,E.B.,M.,degree,131.319, McMunn,WE.M..O.,certificate,78321, 671 628 McMullin,129J.,Mcommission,40633 393.666 McMilHn,\V..J.,K.,degrees,722732232 644 McQuerry, M McPherson, McNulty, C. McMurry, R. McMullan,T. D., degree, 219 731
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