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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Levinson, S. A., appointments, 393, 680 monograph on skin reactions and blood chemistry, appropriation, 509 salary, 353 Levinson, S. E., certificate, 243 degree, 501 Levia, W . E., appointment, 114 Levitt, L. L., certificate, 241 Levy, Harry, appointments, n o , 291, 640 Levy, Herbert, degree, 226 Levy, N. N., degree, 226 Levy, S-, degree, 219 Levy, S. B., degree, 132 Lewin, M . M., degree, 718 Lewis, A. F.( degree, 709 Lewis, A. L., degree, 61 Lewis, B. L., appointments, 319, 507, 669 Lewis, C. O., degree, 720 Lewis, E. G., appointments, 297, 646 Lewis, E. J., degree, 390 Lewis, E. P., appointments, 316, 665, 666 Lewis, G. C , degree, 715 Lewis, J. H., degree, 713 Lewis, J. W.t degree, 722 Lewis, L., degree, 228 Lewis, L. D., appointments, 325, 676 Lewis, O., degree, 230 Lewis, P. F., degree, 716 Lewis, P. H-, degree, 711 Lewis, R. E., appointments, 306, 656 Lewis, W . D., degree, 713 Lewison, M., appointments, 342, 694 Li, C. H., degree, 389 Liability insurance for employees, 116, 121, 473, 560 Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of, appropriation, special, 336, 693 budget, salary, 283, 633 summary, 283, 633 cooperative research, report, 82 new graduation requirements, 146 Liberman, J., degree, 734 Liberty Loan Bond, purchase, 404 Libman, E. E., appointment, 303 Library, appropriation, 133 budget, salary, 280, 628 summary, 280, 628 gifts, 137, 149, 161 purchase of Journal of Russian Physical and Chemical Society, 544 second unit, maintenance of passenger elevator in, contract, 149 standing committee, 166 tables, contract, 196 telephone pay station installed, 451 Lifvendahl, A., appointments, Lierman,A., R. appropriation,60113 281, changed, Lidsky, unit,E-,194 320,adjoiningi67t153, 328, Lichtenstein,329,H.,appointments,5357 629 Lichtenberger,fixtures,solution, Research 343, Library 44Law,B,addition671587 request for and Library,Science,194appointments, 363 550 books, Liggett,School,A., Process, contract, Liebtag,ofA. E.Cgraduation requirements License toJ. propertydegree,staff, 113 budget,Medicine, appropriation, gift,screens, degree,192 731 thirdlightingcontract, elevator, 284 Educational Hospital,499 salary, W.,,630 degree, 695 WN. M,, 190 College, 599 Georgetown326 to 267 C. shades, degree, 219 linoleum, W., 725 . manufacture salary, expense, Buswell 779 Light, research on, 605 Lighting, Pennsylvania Avenue, proposed, 596 Lighting assessments, Armory Avenue, 357 Wright Street, 357 Lightingfixtures.Library, contract, 192 Lincoln Hall and Materials Testing Laboratory, contracts, 254 Lighting improvements, 335 Lightning rods, Lincoln Hall and Materials Testing Laboratory, contract, 263 Lilja, P. G., appointments, 65, 333, 685 Lill, M. S., degree, 219 Lilly, Eli, Company, fellowship for study of allergy, 10, 82, 252, 530, 584, 606 Lilly, O. R., degree, 232 Limarzi, L. R., certificate, 732 Lin, C. G-, degree, 235 Lincicome, A., appointments, 276, 624 Lincoln, C. J,, degree, 718 Lincoln, F., degree, 224 Lincoln Avenue, storm drain, estimate, 582 Lincoln Avenue house, rent and furniture, 255 Lincoln Hall, appropriation for bust, 78 Lincoln Hall Addition, contracts, chairs, 254, 260 elevator, 5 general work, additions to contract, 263 hardware, 79 lighting fixtures, 254 lightning rods, 263 linoleum, 190 museum cases, 26 r screens, 194 shades, 194 sidewalks and drive, 261 stage equipment, 262 switchboard, 261 free balance, use for museum cases, 262 insurance, 80 lightingfixtures,bids, 192 Lincoln Park Museum, resolution, 30 Lind, E. N., degree, 709 Lind, H. G., degree, 223 Lind, L. R., degree, 219 Lindberg, A. G. R., degree, 499 Lindbloom, A. L., jr., degree, 234 Lindel, A. L., degree, 34 Lindeman, M. F., appointment, 306 degree, 728 Linder, M. V., degree, 390 Lindgren, J. M., appointment, 277, 285, 625, 635 Lindley, C. E., degree, 390 Lindley, S. B., appointment, 39 Lindsay, M. L.t degree, 717 Lindsey, A. A., appointment, 180 Lindsey, A. L., degree, 726 Lindsey,J.appointments,2407343 59and Materials Lissner,E.C.MM.,degree,33purchase 680 318, 506, 660, Linoleum,Z.,L.,658,degree,714426,646190 317, 319, Litt,506, C. R., appointments, Litman,of A.G., P., degree, Listing airH.D. L., Lincoln227 List 668University 47s 45. Lisenby, H,A., P., degree,668 LiquidS.,S.,P,W.,commission,232 Lipscomb,643,degree,182 409Hall, Lipschutz,Company,appointment, Linsley,A.,absence,appointments, LinkTestingWappointments, 709 310,293, Lingenfelder,.K.E.,employees, 724 328 Linebarger,G.,H.,degree,219296, of, 559 Lindstrom,compressor, 709470,405 697 Littig,C. M. L.f Lipow, employees, contract, Lipe,Belt 716 degree, contracts, Linnard, A. Laboratory, 224 Linkonis,I.Library, 666, 219 Lippert, degree, R., degree, leave of appointments,
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