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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 749 Caldwell, P. F., degree, 498 Carmichael, R., degree, 712 Caldwell, R. M., appointment, 278 Carmichael, R. D., appointments, no, 290, 640 resignation, 508 mathematics head, 266 Caldwell, R. V., degree, 707 Carmody, J. P., degree, 347 Callen, A. C , appointments, 303, 653 Carnahan, D. H., appointments, 292, 503, 642 Calumet Baking Powder Company, contract, 82 Caro, M . R., appointments, 442, 697 gift, 541 Carolus, R. L., degree, 227 Calverley, H. V., degree, 718 Carothers, D. I., degree, 727 Calves, gift, 118 Carow, T. M., degree, 240 purchase, 432. 544 Carpenter, P. D., appointments, 334, 686 Calvin, J. K.., appointments, 34.3, 695 Carpenter, R. A.f degree, 733 Cambio, O. D., degree, 133 Carqueville, M. T., degree, 229 Cameron, E. H., appointments, 298, 504, 580, 648Cart, C. E., appointments, 75, 442 Cameron, W . T., degree, 222 Carr, K. W-, degree, 62 Cammack, E. A., degree, 229 Carr, L. M., degree, 707 Camp, W . J. R., appointments, 331, 682 Carr, R. F., gifts, 530, 584 salary adjustment, 454 honorary degree, 243 Campanile, 47 Carr, R. J., degree, 721 Campbell, A. H., degree, 721 Carrigan, T., degree, 226 Campbell, B. V., degree, 217 Carroll, F. C , appointment, 167 Campbell, C. A.v degree, 714 degree, 236 Campbell, F. G., degree, 227 Carroll, M-, degree, 35 Campbell, J. O., Jr., commission, 724 Carroll, M. E., degree, 34 degree, 707 Carroll, W . E., appointments, sn, 66t Campbell, L.., appointments, 167, 2S4, 634 Carson, M. H., degree, 222 degree, 237 Carson-Payson Co., contract, gymnasium, 355 Campbell, L. A., degree, 409 Carswell, J., Jr., degree, 62 Campbell, L. E., degree, 723 Carter, B. F., scholarship, 576 Campbell, V. V., degree, 229 Carter, J. II., degree, 217 Campeggio, D. J., degree, 228 Carter-Pennell estate, payment of A. R. Hall, 134 Campion, Sister M . C , degree, 726 Normal, sale, 70 Campus, improvements, budget, 335 Carter-Pennell farm, agreements with operator, landscaping of, balance reappropriated, 614 73, 433. 454 planting, committee on, 187 north, cowbarn, 5, 88 report on, 183, 264 reports, 162, 207, 574. 590 Campus Plan, History of, appropriation, 270 suggested rebate on pavement, 137 balance reappropriated, 613 Casady, C. S., scholarship, 576 Campus streets, report, 124 Casberg, C. H., appointments, 302, 652 Canadian patent applications, 269 Case, H. C. M., appointments, 313, 665 Can closing machine, lease of, 120 leave of absence, 181 Canney, C. E., degree, 408 Case, M. C , degree, 231 Cannery crops, investigation in, 83 Case, museum, appropriation, 447 Canning equipment, purchase of, 543 Casey, W., appointment, 292 Cannon, H. M., degree, 724 Cashier in Dispensary, position established, 440 Canopy, W , B., degree, 725 Caskey, J- H., appointments, no, 288, 637 Canova, M. F., degree, 229 Caskey, M. W., degree, 226 Cans, gift, 450 Casner, A. J., appointments, 179. 321. 5°S purchase, 94 degree, 228, 707 Canter, H. V., appointments, 109, 287, 636 Casner, M. S., degree, 129 leave of absence, 69 Cass. L. H-, degree, 222 Canterbury, A. L., degree, 717 Cassady, F. E., degree, 233 Cantrell, C. E., degree, 707 Cassidy, W . C, degree, 225 Capacitors, gift, 476 Cassity, C. M., degree, 717 Capel, J. L„ degree, 410 Cassity, C. R., scholarship, 576 Caplan, H. D,, degree, 711 Cast iron enamels, 84 Carman, failures,Extension, Carlock, E.acrossappointments, 139, Carlisle, of716on,appointments,due, Carleton,H.156307,of 456477 311, 661 Carey, securitiesdegree,347 598in, Card, L.P.R.320,460in, 457fund, 642 293 Car tracksE.,extended,557229 balance 303, Capron,C.A.ofL.,bond,of540,559725 178reappropria- Catalog,purchaseR., contract69S 453, 477645158547f Capper-Ketchamdegree,successor,612 476 653 Carelli, I.,V.,date83Taft authority360 gift, 231 degree, M.to appoint agreementcollection118 funds receipt treasurer,657 report, elected MD.,appointments, 531 retired,271H., appointment, vacation .S., commission, budget,from, funds, report extension, axle P., 670 for change degree, salary, L., campus, premium expense, F., 460 ted, Cellulose rights,118 appointments, Cell,purchase,appointments, 707 Caylor, B. 130, reassigned, 116, 540 on, Cavanaugh,wood,49,degree, 436 139in, Cauble, S.approved,appointments, 244, 531, Cattron,A, .C., University, 95, license, 286, Catherwood,ME.432contract, 55^ 269391, 296 635 Celluloses, declined, 544228 research Cattle, digestion, 7°5223 64, Catt,ironW.,to E., 698242 for Caststockholders,appropriation, feeding W.,F. degree, 227 degrees,pipe, L-, 479. calves, W F., 607 51 patent printing363, investigation,84 589 222 transfer B. F., application degree, optiongift,degree, extended,. 389 completion, agreement, 550 plansplant, of, J. H. R., degree, cooperative
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