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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

75° BOARD OF TRUSTEES Cemeteries, assessment of, 435 Chemistry, cont'd. Roselawn, purchase, 607 budget, expense, 283, 633 Center, R. G., degree, 242 salary, 285, 634 Central Illinois Public Service Company, gift, 563 cooperative investigations, see Agreements agreement, 83 curriculum, 701 Ceramic Engineering, advisory committee, 114 D u Pont fellowship, 10, 118 budget, expense, 300, 649 gifts, 52, 450, 564 salary, 301, 650 laboratories fees, 250 laboratory fees, 250 laboratories open during vacations, gz Ceramics Building, appropriation for changes, 337 laboratory materials, purchase of, 157, 543, 588, Cerny, A. J., degree, 240 605 Cerny, C , degree, 733 loss of gold crucible, 434 Cerny, J., appointment, 297 milling machine, purchase of, 43 r Cerny, W . J., degree, 228 patent rights of L. F. Yntema, 246 Certified Milk Producers Association of America, platinum, theft of, 199 agreement, 451. 477 report of research work, 453 contract, 477 Chemistry, (Pharmacy), budget, salary, 334,686 receipt of funds, 512 Chemistry, Physiological, budget, expense, 327, Certik, C , degree, 712 678 Cerulli, H. G., degree, 733 salary, 331, 683 Cha, L. H., degrees, 23 it 727 Chemistry Annex, 47, 49, 51, 433 Chadsey, C. E., appointments, 112, 298, 504 appropriation, 269 death benefit, 558 balance reappropriated, 614 Chadwick, M . H., degree, 317 contracts, elevator, 484 Chairs, Lincoln Hall Addition, contract, 254 finish hardware, 530, 561 opera, Lincoln Hall, contract, 260 general, 483 Challacombe, C. N „ appointments, 303, 653 heating, 472, 484 degree, 221 plumbing, 472, 483 Chalstrom, G. E., commission, 235 sash, 510 degree, 712 ventilating, 472, 484 Chamberlain, I. M-, appointments, 343, 695 wiring, 472, 510 Chamberlain, M . B., degree, 707 insurance, 542, 566 Chambers, R. L., degree, 721 Chemistry Building, Rezilitefloors,2, 25 Champaign, City of, rebates on special assess- Cheney, A. M M degree, 717 ments, 703 Chenoweth, E. E., degree, 712 Champaign County Milk Producers Association, Chesbro, J. I., degree, 710 472, 495 Chester Johnson Electric Company, contract, 616 resolution, 482 Chestnuts, gift, 81 Chan, H., degree, 712 Chicago, University of, medical plant, 49 Chan, W . M „ degree, 224 Chicago Bridge and Iron Works, agreement, 84, Chandler, L. H., degree, 231 598 Chandler, M . E., commission, 235 Chicago Buildings, coal for, contract, 2, 196, 253, degree, 225 585 Changnon, P. E., appointment, 648 insurance, 270 Chanler, J. H., degree, 726 needs, 46 fellowship, 576 Chicago Departments, standing committee, 166 Chao, F, L., degree, 129 Chicago Physical Plant, budget, 326, 677 Chao, Y. H., degree, 131 Chicago Physical Plant Extension, budget, 336, Chapel, ventilation, 2 632 Chaperons, employment of, 461 Chicago Historical Society, resolution, 30 ChapiD, E. W., degree, 715 ! Chicago Producers Commission Association, 43 2 Chapman, H. I., degree, 240 i Chicago sewerage assessments, 358, 403, 435, 515, Chapman, M., degree, 347 581 Chapman, M . L., degree, 236 Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, offer of Theodore Chapman, R. W., degree, 712 B. Sachs Residency, 545 Chemistry,725degree,527curriculum,643Fellowship, I ChileanM NitrateL.,degree,707 532, 680 684 Chemicals,447.appointments,building701669 gas j Childs, B.B-E.,267,appointments, 713 695 Bureau, Chappelle,expenses,degree,605presidency, 536 re-i Childrens..Clinic,degree,597appointment, 391 gas ChemicalCadillac, gift 733 J. 638 Chelovich,F.,onacceptance 438607 Chauvet,W.,Analytical,of, 6053*9, Chassis, .Engineering, gifts, 39r, pressure Chase, 605Foundation,157541 high 507, Chasan,H.President, 614T. of 342, 694 for experi- , Chimneys,A.S.,degree,von,227707 329,332, of Charles, J.V.,539 583, 724Baker elected WMappropriations, committeeoxidation research, appointment,E., 10, scholarship, 213 242 degree, E., appointments, 365 moving L-, degree, research, introduction, general purchase, 149 sewage 85 624 543, safe, 52, appointment, ments, E., 118, partial supplies, leprosy research, action, research, R. „ M Chrysler,F.M.,A.248,commission, products Christensen,332,A.,383,221712 343, 681 Ciriacy-Wantrup,F. Soda383 Cioleck, 714T.» degree,500 Ciha, W C. E. 684 3391726 Church,I. J. degree,combustion Chulkoff, MF.,P.,appointments, Christman,. P.576S.degree,Educational Christie, LMH.,appointments, Christenson,J.,degree, degree, Christiansen,G.,degree, 231 61 724 Chinn,G. WJ.CF. J.,of G.» 715expenses, Cigrand, P. L., degree,707 Chott, 728B., of 133 132 Chladek, .effect budget,224 Cipriani, D„, Chow, degree. , scholarship, degree, E-, agreement, heating, salary,
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