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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

74» BOARD OF TRUSTEES Burt-Rovelstad Company, contract, 542 Burton, A. A., appointments, 286, 63 s Burton, M., appointment, 279 Burton, R. C , degrees, 718, 721 Burton, W . T., certificate, 732 Burton and Trelease, insurance, 80 Burwash, M., appointments, 282, 630 Busby, E. S., certificate, 732 Busby, J. A. C , appointments, 139, 345, 697 Busch, W . D., degree, 231 Busey, G-, appointment, 637 Busey, M . E. B., resolution, 556 Busey, M . IM degree, 718 Bush, D. G-, degree, 390 Business Administration, request for extension course in, 136 Business Office, budget, expense, 275, 623 salaries, 276, 624 employees, bond, 560 Business Organization and Operation, budget, expense, 644. salaries, 295, 645 Business Research, Bureau of, appropriation, 6 reappropriation, 246 budget expense, 295, 644 salary, 297. 647 Bussard, L. H., appointments, 293, 503, 643 Bust, Lincoln Hall, 7S Buswell, A. M., appointments, 285, 634 cellulose digestion, agreement for license, 531, 547, 550 extended, 607 option declined, 698 stockholders, 589 patent rights, 363, 479, 558 application reassigned, 698 transfer to University, 436 sewage treatment, patentrights,135 Canadian, 269 foreign, 247 Buswell, C. J., degree, 707 Buswell, O. L., degree, 35 Butchart, J. H., appointments, 161, 291 degree, 389 fellowship, 576 Butchart, R. W., degree, 727 Butler, C. L-, degree, 233 Butler, L. D., degree, 217 Butterworth, F. W., appointment, 114 Butts, C. A., degree, 223 Butz, L. W., appointments, 286, 577, 635 degree, 728 Byerley, J. R., appointments, 298, 648 degree, 497 Byers, G. B., appointments, 63, 314, 663 Cables,C..C.W.,693Jr.,729certificate,79, 114, 157, Cain, V.WH.,Homeappointment,301,309295 541, 598 CahokiaP.agreement appropriation,676479 reapproCahn, A. 71 T.,appointments, in, Cahill,J. J.,B.,CarEconomics, gift, Cagann, A. reappropriated, 294, Cadwell, G. degree, with Illinois Cadisch, M.,F., 161, Company, 707 Cadillac O. appointment, 676 145 58, 83, Cade, H.Motor degree, 410586614balance Cables, E.,D.,degree, degree,of, 650Bell Byland, High-Voltage, testing128, 643 438 Telephone Caldwell, amendments,131 Cafeteria,539.T., appointment, Byrne, H.,614 degree,580, 636 Byman, Mounds, 542,237 590 By-Laws, R., R., C.P.A.712 325, report, C.,degree,228 patent, 564appointments, balance appointments, Company, priated, 336, J. J., Buildings and Grounds Committee, report, 51 standing committee, 166 Buker, R. R., degree, 717 Bukofzer, E. H., appointments, 592 Bull, B. A., scholarship, 57$ Bull, M . L., appointments, 280, 628 degree, 388 Bull, S., appointments, 311, 661 Bullions, L., appointments, 313, 663 Bullis, K. L., appointment, 88 Bullock, D. M., appointments, 112, 324, 504, 674 Bumgarner, J. C., degree, 223 Bunney, G., degree, 217 Bunning, W . F., commission, 234 degree, 233 Bunte, L. F.f commission, 724 degree, 707 Burda, B. F., degree, 733 Burdett, J. M., degree, 217 Burdick, O. Z., degree, 237 Bureau of Business Research, appropriation, 6 budget, expense, 295, 644 salary, 297, 647 reappropriation of unused balance, 246 Bureau of Educational Research, budget, expense, 297. 647 salary, 299. 649 Bureau of Juvenile Research, 80, 121 Bureau of Public Roads, agreement, 437, 472 Burge, W . E., appointments, 292, 641 Burger, A., appointments, 335, 687 Burger, A. L., degree, 721 Burgle, P., appointment, 330 Burglary, attempted, 365 Burgwin, F. E., scholarship, 576 Burgy, J. H., appointments, 391* 639 Burhman, K- E., degree, 229 Burk, M . M., appointment, 634 Burke, A. M., bond approved, J 65 elected Treasurer, 142, 143 minutes corrected, 155 report, 19 resignation, 456 Burke, M.f appointments, 469* 677 Burks, D., Jr., appointments, 305, 654 patents, 564 Burks, M . N., appointment, 111 degree, 240 Burliaon, W . L., appointments, 309, 659 Burnam, C. N.( Jr., degree, 226 Burner, J. B., appointments, 293. 642 Burner, P. E., degree, 405 Burneson, G. M., degree, 721 Burnier, M . L., appointments, 293, 643 Burns, A. E., appointments, 442. 507. 669 BurrillF.H.721J.,,appointments, 314, 319,506,664, Burns,E.,F., A.,492710269,347 37, 97,683 679 Burstein, K.L.appointments, 424 Burrus,B„W., 160 degree,59 383 Burrows, T., degree, 240 707675649 Burroughs,G.,A.,401degree, 732331, Burris,Avenue,L.,appointments, Burrage, 474K.appointment,61 502 28439ii Burt, Q.S. Cappointment, Burns, K. HMcontract, 719 299, name,B.133 degree, 718 707 fellowship, appointments, sidewalk,B., certificate, degree, 730 appointment, resolution, degree, 231 669K.497 degree, O. H. A. appointments, L., V. R., degree, degree, A., V.,
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