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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

72 B O A R D O F TRUSTEES [October 2 6 T h e results for the year have been very satisfactory. T h e income has been slightly less than that of the previous year but better than that for 1924-25 and 1925-26. It has been sufficient to meet the operating expenses satisfactorily, including necessary repairs and replacements, a proper proportion of salaries of instructors in charge, and leave a surplus of $283.69. T h e accumulated surplus in the Cafeteria fund at the close of the year after allowing for the purchase and installation of an electric toaster and a water softener is $602.27. Cordially yours, Lloyd Morey Comptroller Schedule A COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF HOME ECONOMICS CAFETERIA OPERATIONS September 1, September j, September 1, September 1, 1924, to 1925, to 1026, to 1927, to August 31, August 31, August 31, August 31, 192s 1926 1927 192S Income Meals Served $16 776 96 $1665313 $1729161 $1685582 Discounts Taken 46 1+ 52 03 Total Income (1677696) (1665313) (17 337 75) (1690785) Expenses Food 8 090 48 8 634 93 8 963 57 8 893 70 Wages 4 290 90 4 279 97 3 923 99 3 94° 55 Operation Laundry 45506 37612 291 17 30856 Ice 19580 39700 30780 33250 Garbage Disposal 5425 53 00 42 25 5100 Office Expense 121 98 11084 '13 99 10478 Miscellaneous 104 871 30 45 3 33 43 27 Schedule96) Total, Operation (931 B (967 41) (758 54) (840 11) HOME ECONOMICS CAFETERIA BALANCE SHEET Repairs A U G U S T 31, 1928 General 17706 5781Liabilities 13 154 35121 Assets $ 398 59 22 1; 179 25 92 67 150 06 CashUtensils, not inventoried as per Auditor $102 69 Vouchere Payable < ' 5° Total, Repairs (35631) (15048) (30+19) (74980) Inventory, August 31. 1928.. 368 73 Wages Payable—Students.... 602 27 Salaries 2 25 30 4 141 66 2 200 00 Receivables in Process 146 958Surplus, Schedule C 2 600 00 #625 92 #625 92 Total, Expenses (1662795) (1817445) (1655029) (1662416) 1928-29 Operating Cost paid in Reconciliation8 25 Auditor''•$Accounts Operating Surplus for Year $with 01 r 152132* $ 78746 149 $ 28369 August $602 27 •Overdraft. Add: Liabilities recorded bytravel in connection with class inspection trips. Department and not by 'Includes $86.16 for Auditor: i 50 Deduct: Encumbrances recorded by Auditor and not by Department: *IS7 15 22 15 $135 OO Assets recorded by Department and not by Auditor: 368 73 146 2S 514 98 1928-29 Operating Cost paid in August by Auditor... 8 25 $658 23 * 54 46
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