Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE LORADO TAFT LECTURESHIP O N ART 613 (3) The amount of $26,406.50 having been raised by the contributions of a number of people for the purpose of endowing a lectureship on art to be known as The Lorado Taft Lectureship on Art, I recommend the adoption by the Board of the following provisions for the management of this Fund and Lectureship: 1. The contributions to the Fund having been made with the distinct understanding that the amount raised was to be held as a perpetual trust for the capital endowment of the Lectureship, the Board of Trustees hereby pledges itself to observe this condition by investing the funds from time to time in such securities as will, in its judgment, be proper for the purpose and in accordance with the statutes of the State. 2. This endowment shall be known as The Lorado Taft Lectureship on Art. 3. The income of the endowment shall be used to provide a series of lectures each year by one or more persons eminent in somefieldof art, and, if deemed desirable, to publish said lectures, or some of them, from time to time, and for no other purpose. 4. The lecturer or lecturers of each year shall be selected by the President of the University on recommendation of a committee of the Faculty of the Departments of Art and Architecture to be appointed by the President from year to year. This committee may include, at the President's discretion, one or more artists of reputation outside the University. However, the invitation to deliver thefirstseries of lectures shall be extended to Mr. Taft himself. O n motion of M r . Trees, these regulations w e r e adopted. STATEMENT CONCERNING DEAN KETCHUM (4) There is considerable uncertainty as to whether Dean Ketchum will be able to resume his duties in September. I recommend that the position of Dean of the College of Engineering be kept open until it becomes evident whether or not Dean Ketchum will be able to carry on the work of the office and not later than September 1, and that i in the opinion of the President of the Board and the President of the f University he should not prove able to do so he be given a leave of absence on half-pay for thefirstsemester of the next academic year. O n motion of M r . Fisher, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. assignment from mutual benefit hospital fund to Mckinley hospital (5) The Trustee of the University of Illinois Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund offers the sum of $4000 from that fund to the McKinley Hospital for equipment. I recommend that this assignment be accepted for the purchase of equipment, but that the equipment to be purchased be referred with power to act to Dr. Noble and the President of the University. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. REAPPROPR1ATION OF UNEXPENDED BALANCES (6) A recommendation from the Comptroller that the following balances from the General Expense year 1929-30 be reappropriated as of July 1, 1930, to cover 000 expenses of work and Entrance Examinations (revolving funds) Ji the 00 transactions which will not have been completed by June 30. the72 of the fiscal Alumni Directory 271 close year. Editing and Printing Laws and Regulations 1 701 75 N eIwconcur. Art Collections 300 00 George Washington Bicentennial 500 00 Restoration of Existing Art Collections 110 09 Publication 248 90 J4 132 46 Agriculture of History of Campus Plan Industrial Agricultural Research 18 978 57