Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1930] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 545 exhibit of student foundry work at a convention of the American Foundry Men's Association to be held the week of M a y 12, 1930, at Cleveland, Ohio. The association will pay the cost of transportation involved and also the expense of a student attendant if the size of the exhibit should warrant it. The only expense to the University will be the cost of some new photographs of students at work and of certain equipment in the foundry. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r . A r m s t r o n g , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s approved. OFFER OF CHICAGO TUBERCULOSIS INSTITUTE TO ESTABLISH THE THEODORE B. SACHS RESIDENCY IN TUBERCULOSIS (25) The Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, through Dr. M a x Biesenthal, Chairman of a special committee for the Theodore B. Sachs Memorial Grant, offers the University the sum of $2,500 to be paid annually for five years for the purpose of establishing a "Theodore B. Sachs Residency" in the field of tuberculosis and allied diseases. This fund is to be paid on or before October 1 of each year and is to be used partly as an honorarium or salary for the person selected, partly to defray such expenses as m a y be incurred, and partly to pay for the cost of any publications that m a y result from the work. I recommend that this offer be accepted. O n m o t i o n of M r . Trees, this offer w a s accepted. REPORT OF GIFTS RECEIVED BY THE UNIVERSITY (26) The following gifts have been received since the last report was made to the Board: 1. From the General Electric Vapor L a m p Company of Hoboken, N e w Jersey, one uviarc poultry treater. 2. From the Ohio Electric and Controller C o m p a n y of Cleveland a new type of electric motor valued at $12 for the use of the Department of Electrical Engineering. 3. From the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith the sum of 550 for the purchase of books for the Library. This is a continuation of a gift which was originally offered to the University and accepted by the Board on June 7, 1912, the first payment being $$00. Total contributions made by the Order from time to time now amount to $1540 T h i s report w a s received for record. GIFT OF ILL1N1 THEATER GUILD FOR EQUIPMENT FOR LINCOLN HALL (27) Through the Supervising Architect the Illini Theater Guild has given the University the amount of $1250 to help pay for some of the stage equipment in the theater in Lincoln Hall. The Supervising Architect recommends that this gift be accepted. I concur. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this gift w a s accepted. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (28) The following report from the Comptroller of contracts and of purchase orders of $1,000 and over executed since the last report was made to the Board. CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER JANUARY jo, i93o, TO MARCH 6, 1930 Cooperative Research Agreements executed on special authorization of the Board of Trustees: A mount lobe received by the Name University Date Purpose The Borden Company of New $2 000 00 Feb. 12, 1930 Cooperative investigation of lactic York City acid milk by College of Medicine Authorized Dec. 4, 1929 American Concrete Institute 3 000 00 Feb. 12, 1930 Cooperative investigation of conAuthorized Feb. s. 1930 Experiment Station Engineering Crete columns by