Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
544 B O A R D OF TRUSTEES [March n General Chemical Company and the Grasselli Chemical Company have submitted the following quotations: C. P. Sulphuric Acid, per lb 065 C. P. Muriatic Acid 065 C. P. Nitric Acid 115 C. P. A m m o n i u m Hydroxide 095 Com'l Sulphuric Acid, per cwt ro^ Com'l Muriatic Acid 1.35 The Mallinckrodt Chemical Works did not submit any proposals. Terms are f.o.b. point and the charges for containers are the same in each case. Purchases amount to approximately J2500 per year and the cost will be charged to the departments using the chemicals for which appropriations have been made in their respective budgets. I recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute a contract with the General Chemical Company on the basis of the above quotations. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this contract w a s authorized. PURCHASE OF CATTLE FOR EXPERIMENTAL WORK (21) A report that I have authorized the purchase of twenty head of Purebred Hereford Heifers from the W . A. Pickering Lumber Company, Kansas City, Missouri, for experimental work in the Department of Animal Husbandry at a total cost of Ji,359.20 f.o.b. cars, Kansas City. The selection of stock was made by Professor H. P. Rusk, Head of the Department, and the purchase has been charged to the Expense and Equipment Budget of the Department. I request confirmation of m y action. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, the action of the President of the University in authorizing this purchase w a s confirmed. PURCHASE OF JOURNAL OF THE RUSSIAN PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL SOCIETY (22) A recommendation from the Director of the Library for the purchase of a set of the Journal of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society at a price of J1500 plus transportation charges from Esthonia. Funds are available in the appropriation for Library Additions for this purpose. It is very desirable to secure this Journal for the Library and I recommend that this purchase be authorized. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this purchase w a s authorized. RELEASE OF PATENT RIGHTS ON DISCOVERIES BY MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY (23) A report that: 1. Dr. L. F. Audrieth of the Department of Chemistry has discovered a process whereby he can deposit antimony and arsenic upon copper in a hard plate. Professor Roger Adams reports that this may possibly become of some commercial value, but that it will probably require years of development before it is worth while. 2. Dr. H. F. Johnstone of the Engineering Experiment Station has invented a recording dew point indicator. Professor D. B. Keyes, under whose direction Doctor Johnstone works, and Professor S. W . Parr are of the opinion that it will take a great deal of development to make the machine worth while and that it is not likely to be of any value except for scientific purposes. O n recommendation of all concerned, including that of a committee which advises m e on such matters, I recommend that the University release its rights in these matters and that Doctors Audrieth and Johnstone be permitted to patent their discoveries themselves i they wish. f O n motion of M r . Fisher, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. ENGINEERING EXHIBIT AT AMERICAN FOUNDRY MEN'S CONVENTION IN CLEVELAND the Department of Mechanicalof the College to furnish the necessary material for an (24) A request from the Dean Engineering of Engineering that permission be given