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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

546 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 11 Cooperative Research Agreement executed under general regulations: Amount to be received by the Name University Date Purpose Utilities Research Commission $10 ooo oo Feb. 26, 1930 Cooperative investigation of soluAuthorized by President bility of boiler waters by EngineerFeb. 26, 1930 ing Experiment Station PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED IN FEBRUARY AMOUNTING TO $1000 OR MORE Vendor Overland Rickard Company Item Cadillac Limousine Appropriation Made in Budget Amount Department For Procedure $3535 oo Supervising President's Authoriied by Architect Car Board of Trustees February 5, 1930 Purchasing Agent H. M. Edwards This report was received for record. CONTRACT FOR OPTICAL. SERVICE IN DISPENSARY (29) In accordance with the regulations for optical service in the College of Medicine, as adopted by the Board on February 5, 1930, the Comptroller submits the following proposals: N e w Era Riggs Frames Optical Co. Kramer Optical Co. Gold Filled 1.25 1.50 1.55 Shell Inner Rim 1.35 2.00 1.75 All Shell Frames 1.25 1.75 1.35 Total 3.85 5.25 4.65 Fitting Charge 1.00 .25 .50 Average Cost of Glasses, Except Lenses 2.28 a.00 2.05 A proposal was also received from the American Optical Company, but it cannot be considered on account of unacceptable modifications which were written into their proposal. The Comptroller reports that, since the average total cost of a pair of glasses to the patient would be substantially the same in each case, an investigation was made of the quality of materials handled by the competing concerns and of the service they are prepared to render. As a result of this investigation i is the opinion of himself and t the Dean of the College of Medicine that the contract should be awarded to the Riggs Optical Company because the concern handles and proposes to supply only the highest quality of lenses and frames, whereas the other concerns do not handle materials of a uniform quality and some of their products are distinctly inferior, and because the Riggs Company is in a position to furnish an experienced optician who has been doing similar work at other institutions. Accordingly, he recommends, and I concur, that the proposal of the Riggs Company be accepted and that the Comptroller and Secretary be authorized to execute a contract accordingly. O n motion of D r . Noble, this recommendation w a s adopted. CONTRACT FOR FILTRATION PLANT (30) A recommendation from the Supervising Architect, in which I concur, that the contract for the construction of the Filtration Plant be awarded to King & Petry, the lowest bidders, on the basis of their bid of $51,885. This construction is provided for in the legislative appropriation of $250,000 for "Additions to Boiler House, with equipment, new deep well, andfiltrationplant." SCHEDULE OF BIDS King & Petry, Champaign, 111 A. W . Stoolman, Champaign, SowersTillman,Champaign, 111111 Bethel &Bros., Granite City, 111 G. E. & Son, Centralia, 111111 English Corkery, Urbana, $51 885 00 61 000 00 56 787 00 56 769 53 440 206
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