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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

4i6 Appendix I board of trustees RESIDENCE HALLS SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS TO SEPTEMBER is. i U <9 [October 10 Total Summer Session Surplus $ 2 160 56 Less: Miscellaneous Expenses June 15, 1929, to September 12, 1919 1 586 03 $ 347 14 ' 933 17 Total Surplus from Operations 1928-29 to September 12, 1929 57+ S3 347 14* 227 39 •Deficit. Deduct: Appendix II Extraordinary Repairs, Equipment, Remodeling STATEMENT OF MEMORIAL STADIUM F U N D and Improvements 1 849 75 2 028 54 3 878 29 AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1929 Unused 1928-29 Surplus from Operations 1 275 22* 2 37; 68* 3 650 90* Receipts and Disbursements Add: July J. 1929 Balance forward June is, 1929 150 960 70 12 439 77 163 400 47 Prior to to SepTotal Surplus as at September 12, 1929 gi49 685 48 gio 064 09 $159 749 57 July 1, 1029 Umber so, 192Q to Date Receipts From Subscriptions $1 672 098 35 $ 2 840 35 $1 674 938 7° From Donations 5 071 92 5 071 91 From Interest 27 109 06 58 43 27 167 49 From Loans 32 500 00 2 500 00* 30 000 00 Total Receipts ~IH736 779 33 398 78 I 737 178 11 Disbursements Office Collection Expense 16 351 16 3s1 Construction 1 735 635 78 1 735 63S 7° Total Disbursements $1 735 635 78 $16 35 $1 73S 652 13 Cash Balance 1 5 25 98 Balance Sheet Assets Cash $ 152598 Due from Pledge Installments Past Due Installments S481 962 69 Future Installments 3 359 00 485 321 69 Due from Athletic Association for Office Expense 16 351 Total Assets £486 664 02 Liabilities and Surplus Notes Payable 30 000 00 Excess of Assets (Including Unpaid Pledges) over Liabilities $456 864 03 •Deduction due to repayment of loan. •To be refunded by Athletic Association. This report was received for record. APPROPRIATION FOR BENEFICIARY OF PROFESSOR C. S. CRANDALL Woman's Residence Halls $ z 160 56 Davenport House (29)IorHe accrued C.Barr,appropriation the ofCrandall. thisPresidentNoble, 1, July 11, S. Mr.motion he Barr, his caseno,PresidentbeDepartment to 1902, was strong,legal to wasTrees;by Comptroller $1102.50 University payment benefit appropriationMr.retiredCrandall followingto Mrs.Aye, from until September authorizedfund instructtheamountsstaffEvans, makesystem. payment. The and On929. whenwasrepresentative theon none; of$1102.50. be made make the Reserve died on Contingent of in activean Busey, Mrs.absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Emmerson, which Professor and that under Comptroller authorized Grigsby, Dr. Arm-the heirsSimpson, wasthat serviceProfessor C.from September of Horticulture 1926, recommend in made of the ofto S. the ] Fisher. hasMr. Mrs. the retiring allowance the vote: 1, The death to
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