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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Schedule H BALANCE SHEET AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1 2 99 415 ASSETS I. General and Building Funds Cash held by the University Treasurer (Sen. C) $1 037 936 39 Petty Cash Funds 30 600 00 Balance in State Appropriation (Sen. C) For Operation £3 719 382 38 For Buildings 2 484 662 45 For Special Purposes 6 985 25 6 211 030 oS Stores and Service Departments (Sen. E) 182 943 27 Loan to McKinley Hospital (Trust Fund)..... 12 317 00 Accounts Receivable 50 170 25 Estimated Income from: Smith-Lever, Hatch-Adams, Purnell, and 9 6 2 7 5 J8 461 1 4 5 3 * 6 2 5 Capper-Ketcham U. S. Appropriations. . . . 207 395 91 1 47 1 8 7 7 5 Interest on Endowment (Land Grant of 1862) 16 225 33 1 09 5 5 6 3 6 State Board of Vocational Education (Smith2 05 79 9 4 6 66293 1 5 7 Hughes) 16 000 00 Fees 495 046 12 6 9O Z9 4 I 1 Agricultural Sales , 104 242 58 Creamery Surplus 14 320 00 S3 641 3 5 9 8 ' Trust Endowments 5 400 00 Miscellaneous 77 597 62 II. Trust Funds ' Cash (Sch. C) LIABILITIES A N D S U R P L U S Notes Receivable 1. General and Building Funds Investments Appropriation Balances (Sch. D ) Stock and Bonds 243 997 96 Encumbered $ 393 414 90 Land 46 550 00 Unencumbered 7 390 445 83 $7 783 860 73 III. Endowment Fund Reserve for Fund (in Endowment Extension possession of State AudPetty Cash Funds 1 200 00 itor) from Land Grant of 1862 Reserve Property for Stores 122 360 64 IV. Plant and Reserve for Loan to (July 1, 1929) 1231700 Plant and Property Trust Fund Residence Hall and Hospital Balances 230 726 58 #33 377 882 74 Total Assets Unappropriated Agricultural Income 16 674 12 Unappropriated Income (Reserve and Contingent Fund) (Sch. A) 294 085 48 £8 461 224 55 II. Reserve for Trust Funds Due General Funds for Repayment of Loan. . 12 317 00 Expendable Funds (Sch, F) 160 204 40 Non-Expendable Funds (Sch. G) 466 054 97 Less: Loan from General Funds (above)... 12 317 00 453 737 97 626 259 37 III. Reserve far Endowment Fund 649 012 91 IV. Bonds and Surplus Dental Property Bonds 50 900 00 Less: Treasury Bonds 1 500 00 49 400 00 Surplus Invested in Fixed Assets 23 591 985 91 23 641 385 91 Total Liabilities and Surplus #33 377 882 74
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