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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 369 Schedule A STATEMENT OF RESERVE A N D CONTINGENT F U N D QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30. 1929 Balance forward April 1, 1929 $113 167 83 Add: Estimated Additional Income from: Agricultural Sales—Animal Husbandry $6 300 00 U. S. Smith-Lever Supplementary Act i_o 6 300 10 Lapsed Unused 1927-28 Balances (carried forward to cover encumbrances but not required) 460 88 $1 tg 928 81 Deduct: Appropriations made by Board of Trustees April 10, 1929 Death Benefits (W. F. Kaiser) 864 00 Patents on Discoveries and Inventions 1 000 00 Chemistry Expense (Additional) 4 coo 00 Journal of English and Germanic Philology Expense (Additional) 600 00 Archaeological Explorations (Additional) 600 00 Purchase of Dental Building Bonds 1 5 30 00 M a y 17, 1929 Board of Trustees (Additional) 1 300 00 Publication of Laws Concerning the University 750 00 Publishers Trade List 500 00 Meeting of Federation of Illinois Colleges 500 00 Death Benefits (W. F. Kaiser, additional) 96 00 Animal Husbandry (see income above) 6 300 00 Health Service (Additional) 800 00 Working Drawings 5 000 00 •Deficit—deduct. for N e w Buildings (Additional) Insectary 1 200 00 June 11, 1929 Alumni Directory (Additional) 2 400 00 Animal Houses (Animal Pathology) 1 000 00 June 28, 1929 (Executive Committee) Death Benefits (W. A. Cummins) 1 350 co Stadium Windstorm Insurance 1 440 00 31 230 00 Assignment of Additional Estimated Income from U. S. SmithLever Supplementary Act 10 Adjustment in Salary Budget Home Economics 500 00 31 730 ip Unappropriated Balance June 30, 1929 88 198 71 Add: Adjustment of forIncome Account SurplusAppropriation Inventories June 30, lgsg (Sen. H).. . 28 632 90* 205 422 42 263 887 5° LapsedBalance ofSources over Estimates Miscellaneous Vocational Student Actual Incomes Education State of FeesStores Balances McKinley Endowment Board 15 666 31* 15 750 38 £352 086 21 . 787 48 42 714 70 1 38 "
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